(New York News) India's train collision last week highlights the government's lack of attention to railway safety.Although the Indian government has invested a lot of funds to purchase trains in recent years, fewer and fewer investment in improving system security has become less and less.

Odisha in the east (Odisha) occurred in India's worst train derailment in this century on June 2, causing at least 288 people to die and nearly a thousand people injured.The investigator suspected that the accident may be caused by the loss of signal lights.

According to the New York Times, the Indian government has renovated for a long time in infrastructure in recent years. The previous fiscal year allocated nearly $ 30 billion (about 40.5 billion yuan) to the railway system, an increase of 15%over the previous year.Prime Minister Modi's budget for the railway system this year was five times that he was in office.

However, most of the relevant plans launched by the Modi government focus on increasing the speed and comfort of the train and ignore the safety.

The audit report released last year showed that the funds used to refurbish the orbit were reduced, and officials did not even use funding.In the latest fiscal budget, project expenditures for improving more than 13,000 old trains in India have also reduced.

Analysts believe that the government should pay more attention to the improvement of signal functions, especially India is gradually adopting higher -speed trains.

In response to the accident on Friday, the former Railway Minister Ban Najib said that if the trains involved in the trains involved were used in the anti -collision anti -collision system, this fatal accident would not happen.However, the Minister of Railway Vishau did not agree, saying that "the accident has nothing to do with the collision anti -anti -anti -system."

Although the safety of the Indian railway is better decades ago, there is still a lot of room for improvement.According to statistics, India has an average of 475 train derailment accidents for decades ago, and now it has fallen to about 50 each year; railway accidents have also dropped from more than 300 each year 20 years ago to 22 fiscal 2020.