The United States estimates that about half of North Korea's foreign exchange income comes from cyber attacks, and this injustice may be an important source of funds for the North Korean weapon plan.

A senior official in the United States told Japan in Asia: "Theft of cryptocurrencies and cyber attacks is an important source of funds for the North Korean regime. This is what we are paying very much. We also pay attention to 50%of the foreign exchange in North Korea from the Internet theft."

He said that since 2018, the Internet attack launched by North Korea has increased sharply, and the guided test firing of the Kim Jong -un regime during this period has also increased.

During the outbreak of the crown disease, North Korea's foreign trade continued to decline, so it relied on network theft to make up for the losses of foreign exchange income.

Korean civilian agency: last year's stolen cryptocurrency reached 1.7 billion US dollars

The South Korean government estimates that North Korea has stolen more than 700 million US dollars (about S $ 900 million) cryptocurrencies in 2022, and also earns hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue through technical workers hired abroad.South Korean civil agencies estimate that cryptocurrencies that were stolen last year reached $ 1.7 billion.

Data from Seoul shows that Pyongyang hired about 10,000 hackers to steal cryptocurrencies from various countries or launch ransomware attacks on enterprises.

At the same time, thousands of North Korean information technology employees were sent to Asia and African countries as fakes, and engaged in online freedom in application development companies in developed economies.

Senior U.S. officials said: "We are very focused on dealing with this issue and cooperate closely with Korean allies ... Cooperate with major allies and partners around the world."

The United States also hopes to raise people's awareness of online activities of North Korea and let companies understand the dangers they face.