The North Korean military spy satellite will soon enter the track and vow to strengthen military surveillance.

Reuters reported that Kim and Zheng Thursday (June 1) issued a statement in the North Korean Society saying: "The enemy is most afraid of North Korea to obtain an excellent reconnaissance and information means that North Korea will include reconnaissance satellites including reconnaissance satellites. Therefore, we, weWe realize that we should strengthen our efforts to develop reconnaissance methods. "

At 6:27 am on Wednesday (May 31) of the National Cosmic Development Bureau of North Korea (May 31st)At the West Sea satellite launch site of Tieshan County, Ping'an, use the new satellite carrier rocket "Thousand Miles-1" launched a military reconnaissance satellite "Mile Mirror-1".The thousands of miles-1 completed the first-level separation during the normal flight, but the secondary engine failed to ignite normally, causing the rocket to lose power.Story20230531-1399832 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Fall into the western waters of the peninsula .

Kim He is in a statement that the extensive criticism of her country launch satellites is "contradictory" because the United States and other countries have launched "thousands of satellites".