U.S. Secretary of State Brosky said that the US Secretary of Defense Austin and the Chinese Minister of Defense Li Shangfu could not hold a "regrettable" meeting this week.

Agence France -Presse reported that when Bollingken visited Sweden on Wednesday (May 31st), it talked about the Chinese side's proposal to meet the US defense ministers in Shangri -La, Singapore, saying that the two could not meet. "Regrettable, at the same time, it is important to emphasize the establishment of "conventional and open communication channels" between the United States and China.

The prerequisite for the United States early in May allows Austin and Chinese Defense Director Li Shangfu to meet in Shangri -La.However, according to the Pentagon's Monday (29th) statement, China did not accept the invitation, but the United States said that it would continue to try to talk to China.

China requires the United States to cancel the sanctions on Li Shangfu promulgated in 2018 and states that if sanctions do not revoke, the status of Li Shangfu and Austin is not equal.

The United States said that the sanctions against Lee Shangfu "did not prevent Austin from meeting him when performing official duties."