(Moscow / Kiev Composite Electric) Russia has accused the Seven Kingdoms of the Gazette of the Seven Kingdoms Group on the publication of China and Russia, which aims to put psychology, military and political pressure on China and Russia.

Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Riabakov, issued a statement on Monday (May 22), saying that Nuclear disadvantage Hiroshima Vision reflects the anti-Russian and anti-China tone of the Seven Kingdoms Group.

Riabakov said: "The impression that people get is that the West's remarks on the scale of the Sino -Russian nuclear arsenal have only one goal -putting psychological and military pressure on Russia and China.The morbid desire of our country. "

Vice Chairman of the Russian National Security Conference and former President Medvedev responded on Tuesday (23rd) that the greater the lethality of Ukraine's weapons from the West, the "nuclear disaster" of The higher the risk .

Western countries are planning to "

The Summit of the Seventh Kingdom Group last Friday (19th) expressed the Hiroshima vision of nuclear disarmament, saying that Russia issued irresponsible nuclear threats in the Russia and Ukraine War. The deployment of nuclear weapons in Beros was "dangerous and unacceptable"EssenceThe communiqué also refers to China rapid expansion nuclear arsenal opaque, unwilling to talk, affecting, affectingGlobal and regional stability is required to substantially participate in bilateral and multilateral discussions, and effectively fulfill the obligations of nuclear disarmament.

G7 Summit issued a communiqué focusing on nuclear disarmament

This is the first time that the Seventh -way Group Summit has issued a communiqué focusing on nuclear disarmament.

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said on Monday that the Seven Kingdoms Group's accusations of China's nuclear policy is completely false narrative.The Chinese side refused the seven nations unreasonablely to the nuclear military control issues to issue orders.

In terms of the war of Russia and Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement on Tuesday that it had defeated and eliminated militants who attacked Bieg Rhode cross -border from Ukraine.

Russia's Monday refers to a "destruction team" in Ukraine into Graivoron, Beizhou.Reuters reports that this is obviously the largest attack from Russia since the invasion of Ukraine.Beizhou borders Ukraine, and Gravolon is about 10 kilometers away from the Russian and Ukraine border.

The Ukrainian government stated that he did not participate in the attack, but Medvedev pointed out that he was lying.

Intelligence Bureau: Two Russian oppositions execute the State attack

Ukrainian public television quoted the Ukraine Intelligence Agency reported that two Russian opposition "Liberal Russian Legion" and the "Russian Volunteer Corps" performed the attack on other states.

The members of the Russian Legion earlier stated in Twitter that Kozinka, a small town of the border, advanced to Grawlon.

The Russian Legion is a Russian militia organization headquartered in Ukraine, led by Russian opposition leader Pinomaolov, the goal is to overthrow Putin regime.

The Russian Volunteer Legion also posted a video, showing a armed person who checked an armored car seized.

The Governor of Beizhou Grankov said earlier earlier that the Russian army was launched "anti -terrorist operations" sweeping militants in Beizhou and assisted residents to evacuate the battle scene.The air defense system has shot down several drones.

He also said that the attack caused at least eight people to be injured and several buildings were damaged.