(Washington Composite Electric) The latest report released by the Federal Reserve shows that high inflation over the past year has affected the American people, and more and more Americans call it in financial difficulties.

According to the annual survey report released on Monday (May 22), as of October last year, about 73%of adult interviewees "still live" in finance, a decrease of 5 percentage points from the previous year. It is 2016. It is 2016.The lowest level of the year.

This survey mainly covers the financial status of more than 1,000 adults and their families.

In the middle of 2022, The highest level in 40 years in 40 years , Brought pressure to American families that have not been encountered since the 1980s.Since then, inflation has fallen , but it is still much higher than the level before the epidemic.Essence

The Fed issued a statement saying: "Overall, the report shows that rising prices have negatively affected most families. The overall financial situation has decreased compared to the previous year, although the labor market is strong."

Nearly a quarter of the respondents pointed out that their expenditures increased in 2022, but their income did not increase.About two -thirds of the respondents said they decreased or stopped using certain products due to rising prices, and 51%of the respondents said that their savings had become less.About 28%of the respondents said that they did not accept any form of medical care last year because they could not afford the cost.

Only 63%of the respondents said they could pay an emergency expenditure of $ 400 with cash.Many people need to rely on credit cards to process such bills, and about 13%of the respondents are completely helpless.