South Korean President Yin Xiyue's active diplomacy began to be affirmed by the public. Yin Xiyue's support rate rose continuously for the first time after taking office, especially the younger generation of younger generations in the age of 20 to 30.

The Korean poll agency Real Meter Monday (May 22) announced the results of Yin Xiyue's support rate survey.World/Story20230425-1387241 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> At the end of April, the state visits to the United States rose around, nearly 40%; the difference between the difference was about 10 weeks.

The survey visited 2504 voters from May 15th to 19th, and the praise rate increased by 2.2%from the previous week to 39%.

Yin Xiyue's political praise rate was 32.6%in the third week of April, 34.6%in the first week of May, 36.8%in the second week of May, and continued to rise this week to 39%.

The support rate of Yin Xiyue, 20 to 30, has risen sharply

It is worth noting that the rate of praise from Yin Xiyue's administration of Yin Xiyue has increased significantly, of which the praise rate of 20 -year -old people in their 20s increased by 14%to 39%.11.3%, reaching 37.4%; the praise rate of people over 40 years old is 25.6%.However, from the perspective of all ages, the highest support rates are still over 70 years old (53.7%) and people in their 60s (47.4%).

Analysis believes that the support rate of Yin Xiyue, 20 to 30, has risen significantly and the maximum incident of illegal investment in the virtual currency of the largest opposition members.Young people's dissatisfaction with the common Democratic Party has led to Yin Xiyue's support.

Realmeter's chief member of the special specialist Pei Zhehao analyzed that in a survey based on the statistics of Zhou, the praise rate rose for the first time since Yin Xiyue's ruling.The national defense and diplomacy field, which had previously lowered support, has recently become the main factor that has a positive impact on ruling evaluation.

Yin Xiyue, who took one year for one year, had been talking about personnel arrangements and in diplomatic occasions, and the support rate has been declining. Even in February this year, it has reached the lowest lowest, only 27%.In addition, the Yin Xiyue government unilaterally released a solution to the compensation of the victims of labor victims during the World War II. After the end of the South Korean and Japanese heads, the South Korean people attributed it to "humiliation diplomacy".However, after at the end of April, after the talks of Han and American summits, his diplomatic card seemed to have successfully reversed the situation.

In addition, Yin Xiyue held a talks at the European Council Chairman Michelle at the European Council President of Longshan Presidential Palace on Monday.The two parties issued a joint statement to agreed to strengthen cooperation in the three major fields of green, hygiene and digital.

At the same time, the European side expressed support for the "bold ideas" of the Yin Xiyue government to realize North Korea's fully denuclearization of the North Korean policy.Yin Xiyue said that South Korea and Europe agreed that North Korea's development nuclear -guided weapons posed a serious threat to the South Korean Peninsula and even global security, and agreed that close cooperation should deal with North Korea's provocations.