U.S. President Biden and the House of Representatives McCarthy conducted a third talk under the shadow of the debt default period. The Minister of Finance Yellen warned again on the same day that the Ministry of Finance would endure cash on June 1st.With only 10 days of the White House and Republicans of the White House and Congress, it can avoid the first debt default in the United States.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Biden and McCarthy met at 5:30 pm on Monday (May 22) (at 5:30 am on Monday, Singapore time) at the White House Oval Office.

Bynden set a positive tone at the beginning of the meeting, and reached an agreement on the two parties to "hold an optimistic attitude".

Bynden said: "We must do this," but he also emphasized that it is necessary to solve the "tax loopholes", which is a field of differences between Bayeng and Republicans.

McCarthy said that he and Biden both believed that the United States' debt is too huge , "We all agree to need needChange the trajectory. "

Earlier that day, McCarthy told the media that the morning meeting of the White House and the Republican negotiation group was "effective".However, he also pointed out that the two parties must reach an agreement on the debt limit within this week, so that Congress has time to take action to avoid debt defaults.

The US Treasury Secretary Yellen caused the Congress that afternoon that without increasing the debt limit, the Ministry of Finance "extremely likely" could not fulfill all the government's payment obligations in early June. "It is likely to be triggered on June 1st.Debt default".

Yelun said: "What I want to report to Congress is that according to our estimation, if in early June, faster June 1, the government will not take action to increase or suspend the debt limit, and the Ministry of Finance is likely to no longer cannot no longer be unable to no longerPerform all the government's payment obligations. "

This is the third time Yellen believes in Congress within three weeks.

The U.S. government has been incomplete for a long time, and bonds are used to issue bonds.As of October last year, US debt has accumulated to $ 31 trillion (about S $ 4.168 trillion), and will soon touch the debt of US $ 3.1.4 trillion.Get funds for daily operations.

The U.S. Treasury has previously warned that the US federal government's cash will trigger the US debt defaults for the first time, and then affect the global economy and weaken the US global economic leadership.