The Seventh -way Group (G7) Hiroshima Summit was closed Sunday (May 21). The host of the host Japanese Prime Minister Kishida praised the results of the summit, saying that the G7 leader agreed to work hard to achieve the nuclear -free world, while continuing to support Ukraine to resist Russia's invasion.

Kishida held a press conference in Hiroshima Heping Park to summarize the results of the summit.He pointed out that by inviting Ukrainian President Zelezi to participate in the summit, the unskilled unity of G7 and Ukraine shows the world's determination to maintain international order to maintain international order to the end to the world.

The day before the closing of the Hiroshima Summit, Zelei came to participate, and the Russian and Ukraine War further led the G7 summit agenda.

Kishida emphasized: "G7 will work hard to bring fair and long -lasting peace to Ukraine as soon as possible." He said that the G7 summit will strengthen sanctions on Russia, and strengthen measures to prevent measures to avoid sanctions to weaken Russian aggressionUkraine's ability.

Kishida: G7 is willing to build a stable relationship with China through dialogue

In terms of stance on China, Kishida also said that the G7 has achieved consistent and is willing to build a constructive and stable relationship through dialogue."We agree that frank dialogue and direct communication are important. The G7 agrees to establish a stable relationship with China in order to cooperate on global issues."

Kishida also said that he hopes to urge China to intervene in responsible for the situation in Ukraine.He emphasized that showing the world -based international order to the world, and the will to maintain peace and prosperity to the end is Japan's mission.

Memoral news analysis, the summit is less than expected by China than expected, because European members in G7 attach more importance to coordination with China.

Hiroshima Heping Park is a commemorative place for the city's atomic bomb during World War II.After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, people have been worried that Russia may use nuclear weapons.

Kishida said at a press conference that the G7 leader visited the nuclear explosion and listened to the victim's voice.They saw the tragic situation of the atomic bomb explosion, vowed to work hard to achieve the worldless world, and believed that threatening the use of nuclear weapons "must not be accepted."

In order to achieve the ultimate goal of the nuclear -free world, the Seven Kingdoms will work hard to strengthen the nuclear disarmament and the non -diffusion of nuclear.Kishida said: "In Hiroshima, each of us is working hard for future generations that can live on a planet without nuclear weapons. Now, we are approaching this ideal step by step."

G7 Hiroshima Summit also invited eight emerging economies, developed countries and "Global Southern" national representatives to attend the meeting.Morro leaders participated in the G7 expansion meeting in Hiroshima.

G7 decided to help the climate change and epidemic diseases facing the "Southern Global", extending a helping hand to exert the influence of G7.

Japan announced at the summit to provide US $ 7.5 billion (S $ 10.1 billion) aid for the health fields of these countries.Kishida said: "We will continue to cooperate with international partners including 'Global Southern' to solve various problems."