(Hiroshima / Kiev Composite Television) Ukrainian President Zelei appeared at the Seven Kingdoms Group (G7) summit held by Hiroshima to obtain the US consent and provided Ukraine to provide US $ 375 million (about 504 million S $ 5 billion) Military assistance.He also used this opportunity to strive for India's support that has always maintained economic connection with Russia.

Zelenezki is G7 One day before the closing of the summit(May 20) Arrives in Hiroshima .This is the first time Zellezki has entered Asia since the Kailang of Russia.As soon as he appeared, he seized the focus of this summit, and also strengthened the atmosphere and sense of urgency of the strong Ug and Russia at the summit.

The Leaders of the Seven Kingdoms held a working conference on the Ukrainian War on Sunday (21st) with Zelei.

Zellennki introduced Ukraine's peace plan at the meeting, and urged countries to adopt further action to support Kiev.He said: "We have always maintained our values with actual actions. Ukraine's peace plan is a clear manifestation of rationality."

Zelenezki has actively publicized a peace plan in recent months, of which 10 points include Russia to withdraw troops and stop hostile operations, and return Ukrainian sovereign territory.

However, just when G7 and Ukraine showed unity "anti-Russia", The city Bachmut won and also announced the results of the video display.However, Ukraine denied that Bachurut had fallen.

Zelei also held a side talks with US President Biden on Sunday.Biden promised the United States to make every effort to strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities to resist Russia's attacks.He announced a new round of assistance to Ukraine, including ammunition, artillery shells, and training soldiers.

Byndon told Zelianzki at the meeting: "(United States) and the entire Seventh -way Group will support Ukraine, and I promise that we will not go." He emphasized that Russia cannot shake the Ukrainian allies' determination.

Since August 2021, President Biden has authorized more than 30 military aids to Ukraine. At this summit, Biden also Agree with Europe with F-16 fighters to Ukraine.

British Prime Minister Sonak and Zellezki also revealed that Britain will begin training for the U-16 fighter aircraft in the summer and will cooperate with other allies to continue to provide military support for Ukraine.

Zemilianski attended the G7 Hiroshima Summit. In addition to winning the aid of the G7 member states, it also sought the support of other participating countries, especially India and Brazil.After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, India and Brazil still maintained economic and political relations with Moscow, which weakened the efforts of Western countries trying to isolate Russia.

Indian Prime Minister Modi met with Zeelianzky : "I understand your own and and.The pain of Ukraine citizens ... I assure you that India and I personally do their best to solve this problem. "Zelei Sky said that he believes that India will" participate in the restoration of international order based on rules based on rules ".Essence

However, when the summit was closed, Zeelianzki did not meet with Brazilian President Lula on the grounds of the agenda.Earlier, Lula had condemned the United States to "encourage" war through weapons.

Macron: Zelei Sky appears or changes the rules of the game

On the other hand, French President Macron was asked when he provided him with an airplane to Zediski to send him to Hiroshima.Attending the summit is "the key to changing the rules of the game."

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov criticized the G7 summit to try to isolate Russia and China."Their tasks are set up with high -profile and public settings, that is, defeating Russia on the battlefield; not only that, but also to eliminate geopolitical competitors."