(Moscow / Hiroshima Comprehensive) Seven Kingdoms Group in Hiroshima announced unity in Ukraine. The Russian military and mercenary organization Wagner Group announced that it has fully captured the Udong town of Bachmut.Ukrainian President Zelei first hinted that the town had lost, and then clarified.

Zelei Sky also attended Qiguo Group (G7) Meeting.He answered questions from the reporter's question before the meeting with the US President Biden on Sunday (May 21) and was asked if Bach Murd was still controlled by Kiev: " I don't think not to. Today, Bach Murut is only in our hearts. He also said: "This is a tragedy. There is nothing left in this place."

However, Zeelianzki's press secretary then clarified on Facebook that Zelei answered "I don't think I don't", which was mentioned for reporters that Russia claimed that Bachurut had occupied Bachmut.

Zeleiski said at a later G7 press conference: "Bachurut has not been occupied by Russia today."

Oleksandr Syrsky, the commander of the Ukrainian ground forces, said that the Ukraine still controls part of the city's "not significant" region and will continue to stick to it.

The bloody and bloody battle for the longest battle between the two sides

The Battle Battle is the longest and most bloody battle since the Russia and Ukraine Battle.There is a salt mine town in the Undaton -Tightsk area. Before the war, the population was about 70,000. Russia and Ukraine fought here for 10 months. Both parties were severe and injured.October last year, Zelenezki described that Bachmart was the "most difficult" front line of the Ukraine.

Moscow's offensive against Bachurut was led by the Wagner Group.Wagner's leader Pricig announced on Saturday that his troops finally drove all the Ukraine out of Bachmut.

In a video, Pryigon was wearing a combat suit, saying a row of warriors holding the Russian flag and the Wagner flag, "At 12 noon today, we fully occupied Bach Murut."

He then announced that the Wagner forces will withdraw from Bach Murut to rest within five days and transfer the city to the regular army.The Russian Ministry of Defense also issued a statement claiming that it had "fully liberated Bachmut."If the news is true, this will be the first major victory in Moscow in more than 10 months.

Russian President Putin also issued a statement to congratulate, announcing that he will award all the people who have performed well in this battle.

Some experts pointed out that if the Russian army really won the Bachimut, the other two larger cities in the Donetsk area Kramatorsk and Sloviansk fell into Russia into RussiaWithin the range of the military artillery.