(Sydney Reuters) Pacific Island Papua New Guinea confirmed that it will sign a national defense cooperation agreement with the United States to enhance its defense infrastructure and capabilities, and emphasize that the relevant agreement "will not prevent Papua New Guinea from China, including China.Cooperation in other countries. "

Papua New Guinea Government issued a statement on Saturday (May 20) that the national defense cooperation agreement will not give US military personnel criminal exemption, and some facilities and regions involved in the agreement are "still Papua New Guinea assets, Back to the government. "

Statement pointed out that the signing of a national defense cooperation agreement with the United States aims to establish the defense capabilities of Papua New Guinea, and take Russia's invasion of Ukraine as an example, saying that border disputes are "inevitable in the future."

The statement said: "Papua New Guinea has no enemies, but it is worth preparing."

The statement did not mention the date and time of the signing of the national defense cooperation agreement.However, U.S. Secretary of State Brillings on Monday (22nd) will visit President Baden on behalf of the US President Bayon New Guinea. It is believed that the two parties will sign an agreement during this period.

Bynden Original and Indian Prime Minister Modi, New Zealand Prime Minister Hipkins and other national leaders met with the leaders of the Pacific Island country in Papua New Guinea on Monday, but because of U.S. domestic debt limit negotiations and temporarily cancel the itinerary, and switch to Brinken to travel to him.

Earlier, sources revealed that the national defense cooperation agreement signed by the United States and Papua New Guinea may allow the U.S. military to enter Papua New Guinea port and airport.This is regarded as one of the efforts of the United States to strengthen the existence of military existence in the Pacific region to contrary to China's influence.

Some opposition politicians in Papua New Guinea criticize the agreement may undermine the trade with China, but the Papua New Guinea government shows that it is not selected between China and the United States.