(Washington Reuters) U.S. House of Representatives will vote on a proposal for Huawei and ZTE next week. The two Chinese telecommunications factories will be regarded by the US government as threatening US national security.

The House of Representatives of the United States said on Tuesday (April 11) that it will review a two -party support and entitled "Act of Anti -Trusted Telecommunications Overseas Telecommunications".

This bill requires the State Council to report that the NATO allies and other countries use the situation of telecommunications equipment or services in companies such as Huawei and ZTE in 5G networks.

The Consuction of the People's Lord of the People's Party said: "We need to double strive to protect our national security and interests, assist the allies to take important measures to protect our own security, and firmly defend the basic rights."


Act also requires listed companies to disclose telecommunications services covered with Huawei, ZTE or using this bill.

In the past five years, the United States, Australia, Canada and other countries have successively implemented a ban on 5G technologies for Huawei and ZTE on the grounds of security.

In November last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ordered the ban on the procurement of the new telecommunications equipment of Huawei and ZTE, saying that they "unacceptable risks" for US national security.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington pointed out that FCC "once again abuses national power to maliciously attack Chinese telecommunications operators without factual basis."Huawei has repeatedly denied allegations about improper behavior and stated that the US government targets the company "illegally and unreasonable".

Washington is worried that Beijing will use Chinese technology giants to monitor Americans.In 2019, the US Congress requested that the FCC ordered the US telecommunications operators who received federal subsidies to demolish telecommunications equipment that risks national security constituted in their network and promised to provide compensation.

FCC lists Huawei and ZTE as a threat and requires American companies to demolish equipment, otherwise these companies will not be able to obtain government funding and buy new equipment.The original budget of this "Demolition and New" plan was $ 8.3 billion (about S $ 11 billion), but Congress currently only approved $ 1.9 billion.FCC pointed out last year that major US companies need $ 3 billion to remove communication equipment manufactured by Huawei and ZTE.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington pointed out that FCC "once again abuses national power to maliciously attack Chinese telecommunications operators without factual basis."Huawei has repeatedly denied allegations about improper behavior.