The 18 -day "side -by -side" joint military exercise was held after three days of military exercise surrounding the Taiwan military exercise for three days.A total of 17,600 soldiers participated in the exercise, almost twice the last year.

(Manila Composite Electric) The Philippines and the US military launched the largest joint military exercise over 30 years in the Philippines capital Manila on April 11. The muscles showed their muscles in front of China with enhanced strengths, showing high -profile re -strengthening alliances to strengthen the alliancerelation.

The 18 -day 2023 "Side of the Philippines" (Philippine Local Language "Balikatan") joint military exercise was held after the three days of military exercise surrounding Taiwan's military exercise for three days.A total of 17,600 soldiers participated in the exercise, almost twice the last year.In addition to 12,200 U.S. military and 5,400 Philippine soldiers, about 111 Australian soldiers participated in military exercises.

The exercise will be held in the northern part of the island of Fulu, the Balawan province, the Batan Islands, and the three descriptions.Disaster reduction rescue and humanitarian actions.Among them, Feimei will conduct real bombs in the South China Sea for the first time.

U.S. -Philippine Joint Military Express US commander Austin said at the opening ceremony of the military exercise: "Through this exercise, the Philippines and the US military will strengthen our collaborative combat capabilities, improve our proficiency, and enhance our cooperation through cooperation.Power, ensure that we are ready to deal with the challenges of the real world together. "

The scale of this exercise shows that the United States has strongly recovered the relationship with the Philippines after the President of the Philippines was elected as President of the Philippines; the predecessor of Marcos Duterte often left Washington and prefers Beijing.

Schuster, director of the Action Director of the United Intelligence Center of the United States Pacific Command, pointed out that although the joint military exercise includes real bombs in the South China Sea, it is expected to be infracted by Beijing.The ability of the territory.

Schuster said: "Beijing is more focused on intimidating Taiwan and sent signals to the United States, indicating that it is not easy to assist Taiwan when conflict."

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The exchanges and cooperation between the two countries should not be targeted at third parties

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin was asked at a regular press conference on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 10th that he said on the large -scale military exercise of the United States and Philippines that exchanges and cooperation between countries should not be targeted at third parties, and should be committed to regions.Peace and stability, not the opposite.He said: "The US -Philippine military cooperation must not be involved in disputes in the South China Sea, let alone damage Chinese territorial sovereignty, marine rights and security benefits."

Hundreds of Philippine people held rally to protest at the US Embassy in the Philippines and the Philippine Armed Forces Headquarters on the opening day of the joint military exercise.

Malinoper, deputy director of the Philippine "Asia Century" Strategic Research Institute, who is opposed, believes that the military exercise will constitute risks in the security and stability of the Asians and even the Asia -Pacific region, and the Philippines will become the main victimsEssence

Singblan, a professor at the University of the Philippines and deputy director of the Political Research Center of the Think Tank, said that the Philippines should adhere to an independent foreign policy and strengthen economic cooperation with neighboring countries. Only economic development meets the interests of the Philippines.

On the other hand, Philippine Foreign Minister Manlo said that Washington and Manila also need to further discuss the use of the four military bases that the Philippines will open to the United States under the strengthening of the Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).

Little Marco announced the expansion of the US -Philippines to strengthen the defense cooperation agreement in 2014, expanding the US's entry and exit permissions in other four military bases.

As one of the military bases is located in Cagayan, which is only about 400 kilometers from Taiwan, some experts believe that Washington may regard it as a potential deployment place for rockets, missiles and artillery systems to fight against mainland China against China.Amphibious invasion in Taiwan.

The Pentagon does not specifically explain the use of these new military bases, but simply indicates that the work in the Philippines includes the training of airport expansion and design naval assets.

Magaks recently emphasized that four more military bases for the U.S. military are used to strengthen the Philippines' defense capabilities. The Philippines does not allow these bases to perform any offensive tasks.

The Minister of Defense and Foreign Minister of the Philippines and Foreign Ministers launched the first "2 + 2" talks in Washington yesterday. On the eve of the talks, Manalo said: "Like other (open to the U.S. military) military bases, the two countries must must be in the two countries.Discuss the scope of employment rights and types of activities ... These must be reached ... All of this depends on the progress of the discussion. "

Manaro called on the United States and China to control the strategic competition between the two countries through dialogue and transparent contact control.