The outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War has not been seen for more than a year, and its serious impact on the world has continued to spread.However, Russian officials' perception of the nature of this war is still different from the international community. Russian diplomats reiterated that Russia's goal of Ukraine's military operations not only did not change at all, but also insisted on defending new "territories".

The Russian ambassador to Singapore Cordishev's recent interview with the United Morning Post, insisted that Russia's statement of infringing Ukraine's sovereignty is "Western lie."He said: "I repeat it again, Russia has no attacking or invading Ukraine against Ukraine."

He also said that the daily contact news "repeat the Western lie" endlessly, making it difficult for him to accept the embassy staff.

Coutishev officially served as Ambassador to Singapore on April 19, 2022. His visit to Lianhe Zaobao was the first time he accepted an exclusive interview with Singapore's mainstream media.

At the beginning of the interview, Couthev first introduced the "special role" of Russia as a "fusion" connecting Asia and Europe.He said that this worldview is deeply rooted in Russia's geography, history, and national character. "To deal with Russia, you must correctly understand Russia's fate."

Coutishev continued to explain the renewal version of Russia's foreign policy concept approved by Russian President Putin on March 31. It mentioned that Russia is willing to promote the world's polarization, build updates and more stable international security structures, and is called a more stable international security structure."Russia does not consider themselves to be a Western enemy, will not be isolated from the West, and has no hostility to the West," and is willing to live peacefully with the United States.

However, once the above vision and concept are put in the specific reality, the gap seems strong and difficult to reconcile.

When asked about the Ukrainian war, Kudashev insisted that this "special military operation" was to "rescue" the Russian group of Ukraine, and the responsibility of war and the suspension of war was completely attributed to Ukraine's "Nazi" and the United States.He also said that Moscow would never give up Crimea and the four states in eastern Ukraine last year.

When a reporter asked, when the Morning Post went to Poland to interview Ukraine refugees, the respondents with Russian groups expressed incredible Russia to invade their homes. They did not ask for "rescue", and even refused to speak Russian.Coutishev answered this that the refugees who left Ukraine were only a few people, and most people who hoped to become a certain Russian aid were still staying in eastern Ukraine.

When the reporter further questioned, more than 18 million Ukraines flowed out of the war, and Kumashev pointed out that these Ukrainian refugees would not escape from Russia, but to protect their Kiev.

The reporter also asked if Russia was willing to return to the state before February 2022 (at that time the four states of Wudong were not merged by Russia) to end the war?Coutishev replied with four consecutive "no" and pointed out that there were various options before 2014 to 2022, but today there is no "back road".

Kudashev said that no one has never asked if the Ukraine people want to join NATO. Joining NATO is only "the decision to usurp power with the assistance of Western countries."

However, the changes in Ukraine's political situation showed that the internal public opinion of Ukraine turned sharply to pro -Europe after the outbreak of the square uprising at the end of 2013.In 2014, it has begun to kiss Russia.

Kadashev also demonstrates the support rate with the global population, referring to that most of the world's population, including China and India, stands with Russia.

When asked about a total of four overwhelming majority votes for the UN General Assembly, Russia required Russia to immediately, thoroughly, and unconditional from Ukraine's international recognized territorial withdrawal of troops.Some members of the University of the University voted to support the resolution under the pressure of the United States.

Kudashev refers to the results of the United University voting as "international dominance disputes", and its background is the right to negate the West's rights in Russia, China, India, and Pakistan in international affairs.This kind of indignation in Russia is actually reflected in the concept of Russia's foreign policy. The document announces that Russia's priority task is to eliminate the "dominant position" of the United States and other unfriendly countries in international affairs, forcing them to abandon "new colonialism"And" hegemony ambition ".

Russia is ready to fight for a long time

During the interview, Couthev repeatedly emphasized that the origin of the conflict was not in February 2022, but in 2014, which broke out.He emphasized that Western countries failed to protect the Russian group of Eastern Ukraine nine years ago from being persecuted by the "Kenv Nazi regime". As a result, Russia was sent to protect the Russian area in the Basal region based on a security agreement reached with Wudong separationist molecules in 2014 to protect

He demonstrates the rationality of military operations by history and the root cause of things.However, the basic principles of international law, the basic criteria of international relations, and the UN Charter clearly show that it cannot infringe the sovereignty of other countries.Article 2 of the United Nations Charter stated that members of the United Nations shall not use force or in any other way to infringe the territorial integrity or political independence of any member states or country in any other method.

Coutishev said that if Western countries and Ukraine do not recognize Russia have accepted Crimean, Lugusk, Donetsk, Hermone and Zapolo to join the Russian Federation through Congress legislation"The war, it is impossible for both sides to sit down to negotiate to stop fire.

Ukraine's condition is that the Russian army completely withdrew from Ukraine, including Crimea occupied in 2014.This means that there is no room for reconciliation between each other and is not ready to negotiate.

Kadashev said: "Russia does not want to fight for a long time. Russia is a big country. There are many other issues in China to pay attention to it. As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, other affairs have other affairs to deal with it; however, once the war is imposed to us,We are ready to welcome the war. "