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The government led by French President Macron forcibly promotes the reform plan of the retirement system, causing an out of control. He was attacked by the left and right in China to protest the wave of diplomatic work, and even the visit of the British king was delayed. French Prime Minister Borne finally issued a statement on March 26, seeking to meet with the opposition leaders and union representatives, in order to end the protest waves that lasted for many weeks for many weeks.Essence sources said Macron is considering adopting a new way to implement reform.

French people who oppose the reform of the retirement system have blocked the entrance of the Luxu Palace Museum in Paris on March 27th. Passengers who went far away could not feel Mona Lisa's smile charm. Mona LisaRarely "rest" for a day.

A large number of people demonstrated for many days, the pictures of the garbage in the Manchu Street of Paris have appeared on the versions of the media around the world. What makes the French government headache also indirectly affects diplomatic work.Charles III, who was first visited by the British monarch for the first time, was originally scheduled to visit France for three days on March 26, and then renewed to Germany.He wants to restart the relationship between Britain and the European Union, and is forced to postpone it indefinitely because of French anti -retirement reform protests.Macron suggested to Charles to arrange his French visit in summer, however, how Macron was in spring is still a question.

Macron's ruling alliance has the most seats in the National Parliament (lower council), but it does not reach the absolute majority. It must rely on the support of other political parties to reform the reform bill through the retirement system.After the Senate passed the bill, what happened in the National Assembly on March 16 was unusual. Prime Minister Bolne did not approve the bill. Then, Macron quoted Article 49.3 of the Constitution, and passed the bill without voting., Increase the retirement age from 62 to 64.

In less than a year, Macron has instructed Bolne to quote Article 49.3 up to 11 times, second only to the former Prime Minister Rakar.

Although the Macron government's move is in line with the Constitution, the political consequences are significant.The conservative Republican party stated that it did not support any distrust motion.On March 20, the government was able to avoid two mobilizations of two distrust.A motion of dislocation was proposed by the "middle school" group supported by the left -wing alliance Ecology and Social New People's Alliance (Nupes); another unscrupulous motion was proposed by the "National Alliance" led by Le Pen, a very right -right -wing.

Huang Yipeng, deputy director of the Political Department of the National University of Singapore, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that he agreed with Macron to adopt new ways to implement reforms."What he did was very special. He did not put the reform into voting, but through an effective presidential order. This is not a very democratic way, but this is an urgent measure for urgent demand."/P>

Huang Yipeng said: "In 1995, then President Hillary and then Prime Minister Zhu Pei also tried to do this. As a result, a large -scale strike in three weeks of France, especially transport workers ... from there ...From time to time, France has no president and prime minister dare to try so until Macron is now. "

It is reported that at the time, Hillary planned to raise the retirement age of some civil servants, and the results caused millions of people to go to the streets to strike, and the government finally dismissed the idea.Due to the controversy of the bill, retirement reform can become a law only after the Constitution Commission is passed.Prime Minister Borne has requested the Constitutional Committee on March 21 to make a decision on the bill.

Belje, chairman of the parliamentary party group of Macron, said to French News Radio on March 19: "This is related to one problem: the reform of the retirement system is indispensable for the French public, it is still impossibleTolerance? "

Political scholar Javell told France International Radio on February 28."The Reform Act was passed, but in the eyes of the French people, this is not legal."

The union confronts the government

Since January, major strikes and protests in France have occurred for 10 days, the last one is March 28.Since the government has forcibly passed the bill, the conflict between police and protesters has become increasingly fierce.The union has been scheduled to hold another new strike and protest on April 6.

On March 26, Borne issued a statement seeking to meet with the opposition leaders and union, in order to end the wave of protests that lasted for several weeks, and promised not to use the constitution to pass the bill, except for the budget.However, the government rejected the consideration of the suspension of promoting the bill proposed by the union on the 28th.At the beginning of Paris, the chairman of the French Democratic Labor Federation (CFDT) told reporters at the beginning of Paris that the trade union proposed a way out, the government once again obstructed, and the trade union could not tolerate it.

The union advocates allowing the external mediation to coordinate the dispute between the two parties.However, a few hours later, the government spokesman Oliver Vefran rejected the idea, saying that the cabinet was willing to discuss how to adjust other policies, but did not review the retirement bill.

Ajeon, an economist who once provided Macron's economic plan, also called on the president to listen to the public's voice and suspend pension reform.He said: "We need some time to return the country to the right track."

Agion is a professor at the famous French school. He supports the retirement system of Macron reform and makes France a more global economy, but he believes that the chaos cannot continue.

Huang Yipeng also believes that the cost of retreat will be very large for Macron.He said: "I think he will be defeated, and it is difficult for him to continue to be a president with a lot of credibility.Talk to the protesters. If you think about it in the early 1970s, the former British Prime Minister Sachel did this. In France, it should have been done so long. Other European countries have implemented similar measures,France must catch up. "

Workers' requests to reform the salary to systematically control the pressure of European governments to face stress

In addition to France, many European governments are also facing the pressure of workers' requirements to reform the salary system.The German transportation industry employees held a 24 -hour strike on March 27, leading to the airport, port, railway, bus and subway services.The British Public and Commercial Services (PCS) unions have announced that more than 3,000 civil servants of the four British government departments will strike from April 11 because there are controversy in salary, pension and work guarantee.

According to the European Union's official website, Germany has gradually transferred the basic retirement age of 65 to 67.The Germans must work for at least five years and pay the public pensions to meet the qualifications to obtain basic pensions.

As we all know, France has the best social security system in Europe.A good medical care system is basically free of charge for the national; the government -funded university is free of tuition.People can receive generous retirement pensions at the age of 62, and do not have to work until the age of 65 like people in almost everything else in Europe.

In 1981, the President of the Socialist Party Mitterland dropped the retirement age from 65 to 60, allowing the people to work for 39 hours a week and five weeks a year paid holiday.His reason is based on national benefits and employment opportunities for young people.

The French government is facing a long -term problem because this pension system that maintains work and life balance has become unsustainable.

The article published by the former Indian ambassador to France, Kumar, said in the Indian Stan Times on the 23rd.The government has three ways to go.First, France, which has more than 3 trillion US dollars (about S $ 3985.8 billion), has continued to raise debt; the second is to increase taxes to pay pension expenditures.However, tax increases may repeat the "yellow vest" demonstration caused by protesting fuel prices in 2019, and it is difficult to perform taxes on the rich.The third choice is to improve the retirement age, just like other European countries.

From the perspective of the government, as the French, like other Europeans, have a longer life and healthier life. It is not unreasonable to retire late.

When re -election in April 2022, Macron had clearly stated in the declaration that he would raise the retirement age.This is his second and last term of president. The reform of the retirement system will become his political heritage.This will also be a huge political heritage, because in the past 20 years, the efforts of each president have failed.

Macron's dilemma is for the country's finances, reform is imperative.French pension expenditure accounts for 14%of the GDP, almost twice the average national average of the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD).In 2004, France had 13 million retirees. By 2030, this number would rise to 20 million.Macron can only be carried out the reform of political capital.

Sources said Macron is considering using new ways to implement reform.Macron emphasized in a TV interview on March 22 that reforms are "not luxury or fun", but "necessities".

There are not many choices for Macron.In a television interview, he ruled out the possibility of changing the Prime Minister immediately or re -election.He is very clear that holding a general election under the boil of the people is more likely to benefit the extremes.At least, after avoiding the non -confident voting of the parliament, Macron won some gasp for breathing.

It is reported that the biggest cause of the French pension fiscal deficit is currently distributed to civil servants, state -owned enterprises, lawyers, health care and medical staff, including 42 professional pensions, which receives 1.5 to 2 times that of ordinary workers.

The average life expectancy of the French reached 82.5 years in 2019, and about 20 years of pensions after retirement.This comes longer than Germany (15 years), Italy (17 years), and Spain (18 years).The number of contributions to pensions has continued to decrease. The contributors for each retirement of pensions were four in 1960, but in 2022, they decreased to 1.7, and it was expected to fall to 1.5 in 2040.

surpassing Macron in the support rate of protesting waves of political opponents

The polls show that the support rate of the National Alliance led by the leading leader Le Pen surpassed Macron due to protesting the wave of protests.The survey results conducted by the French Sunday commissioned by the public opinion survey agency iFop show that if parliamentary elections are now held, 26 % of people will support the national alliance candidates.This is five percentage points than the data before the beginning of the protests in October last year.The support rate of Macron's group of political parties was 22%, a decrease of five percentage points.

Multiple polls also show that the public wants Macron to stop reform.After his speech on TV on the 22nd, the investigation by the poll agency Elabe found that only 24%of the respondents thought he was competent and 60%of them approved demonstrations.

Journal Foreign Policy quotes Belin, the head of the Paris Office of the Institute of Foreign Relations of the Think Tank, said Macron did not listen to public opinion.She pointed out: "The political legitimacy of Macron's second term is questioned."

Macron has always eager to play an important role in Europe and other regions. Observer expects that he will pay more attention to international issues in the next few years, but the domestic crisis will weaken his power to exert its influence.

The "Wise" committee announced on April 14th's decision

The French Constitution Commission shall announce a ruling on the reform of the pension on April 14 to decide whether or even all the contents of the billing bill.

This committee, known as the "wise", will make two decisions. One is whether the bill that increases the retirement age from 62 to 64 is in line with the Constitution.Second, the left of the left proposed whether the request for citizen voting for reform is acceptable.In addition to the left -wing people of the National Assembly and the Senate, the extremely right -wing members of the National Assembly also made the same requirements.

The chairman of the committee is Laurent Fabius, a member of the Socialist Party, who has served as Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Foreign Minister.A person's signature can be held.It will be a long way to reform.