(Roman Composite Electric) Italy announced the temporary ban on ChatGPT on the grounds of suspected violation of the privacy protection regulations and became the first Western country to ban this artificial intelligence chat tool.

The Italian Data Protection Bureau said on Friday (March 31) that OpenAI, an American artificial intelligence research company developed by ChatGPT, failed to check whether the age of ChatGPT users was 13 years old. There was no legal basis that it could prove that large -scale collection and collection through this system could be collected andStoring personal data is a legitimate approach with "training" chat robot.

Italian officials have launched an investigation and instructed that OpenAI must propose remedial measures within 20 days, otherwise it may face a fine of up to 20 million euros (about 28.9 million yuan), or it is equivalent to 4%of the company's global annual turnover.

Christiani, an artificial intelligence scholar at the University of Bath, said that protecting user data and implementation age restrictions is easy to solve, but the other two allegations faced by ChatGPT are more trickyThe collected personal data is the training foundation, and the data has not been properly handled.

"It is unclear how these problems can be solved soon."

After the Italian official announced that it took action against ChatGPT, this chat tool had been closed on the local website.

OpenAI spokesman said the company had prohibited Italian users from using ChatGPT at the request of Italy.

"We are committed to protecting people's privacy and believed that we have complied with the privacy law. We strive to reduce personal data to train our artificial intelligence system such as ChatGPT because we want our artificial intelligence to understand the world, not understand individuals"

The spokesman also said: "We also believe that regulatory artificial intelligence is necessary, so we look forward to cooperating with the Italian officials to let them understand how our system builds and uses ... Italian users tell us that ChatGPT is for them.Daily affairs are very helpful. We look forward to providing this service soon. "

Scholars: The research method must be transparent

Openai has not disclosed details about how to train the AI model.

Sweden at the University of Moao's artificial intelligence researcher, Biyeclon, said: "Lack of transparency is the real problem ... If you do artificial intelligence research, your research method must be very transparent."

According to the research report released by UBS last month, after ChatGPT was launched last November, the monthly active users reached 100 million in two months, becoming the fastest consumer application in the past.

So far, residents in mainland China, Hong Kong, Iran, Russia and some regions of Africa have been unable to create an OpenAI account, so they cannot use ChatGPT.