(Washington Composite Electric) The U.S. House of Representatives passed the proposal with an overwhelming voter and will set up a Chinese affairs committee to formulate a comprehensive strategy to respond to China's challenges.

The House of Representatives agreed on Tuesday (January 10) with 365 votes to 65 votes, and established the "SELECT Committee On the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communication Nist party).

All 65 opposition votes are from the Democratic Party. Some of them are worried that the party leaders will be too strong;The political atmosphere Washington politics, the problem of China is a field of rare parties that can reach consensus.

The Republican House Speaker McCarthy emphasized when fighting for the support of members that the newly established Chinese Affairs Responsibility Commission will not have the tendency to party."I promise that this is not a party committee, but a two -party committee."

McCarthy emphasized that the United States must face up to China's challenges and prepare for continuous bilateral competition."For the future, our biggest concern is to lag behind Communist China. The fact is that the danger that dependence on China is terrible."

He pointed out that in the past few decades, the United States welcomed China to join the international system, but in return, "China has exported oppression, aggressive behavior and anti -American emotions.""Today, China's military and economic forces are constantly growing, but the cost is freedom and democracy worldwide."

McCarthy said that the new committee will solve problems such as employment opportunities and supply chains from China and protect intellectual property.

In addition, US -China relations also rubbing due to huge amounts of trade deficit against China, Beijing's pressure on Taiwan, and the lack of transparency in the response to the crown disease.

There are 16 members of the new committee, and Mike Gallagher, a member of Wisconsin, served as chairman.He is the allies of McCarthy. Last year, he proposed legislation to prohibit Chinese bytes from jumping in the United States from the short video network Tiktok.

McCarthy calls China: "the greatest geopolitical threat"

Garragell told Bloomberg last year that the new committee will review the US investment in China, including whether the pension fund with tax discounts should invest in China.

The committee has no legislative power, and its task is to make policy suggestions to other committees by the end of this year.

McCarthy and Garragell mentioned this committee in the Fox News column last month that the committee pointed out that the two parties agreed that the era of trust in the Chinese government has ended.

McCarthy calls China "the largest geopolitical threat in our lives."

McCarthy also told the House on Tuesday that "this (CCP) threat is too great, and we cannot fight each other."He said that the threat of China "surpassed our political parties, and the establishment of a special settlement committee of China Affairs is the best way to deal with this issue."