(Washington Composite Electric) The U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill to prohibit the government from selling crude oil from strategic reserves to China, but this bill is expected to not pass the Democratic Senate in Democratic Party.

Republican Party ’s majority of the House of Representatives on Thursday (January 12) was approved by 331 votes and 97 votes against the bill. All opposition votes came from the Democratic Party.The Republican Party won the majority of the House of Representatives in the mid -November elections and officially took over the House of Representatives this month.

Rogers, chairman of the House of Representatives Energy and Business Commission, said in the House of Representatives that the reserves of US strategic reserve oil have fallen to the lowest point since 1983, and President Biden exported 250 million barrels of crude oil in less than two years, compared with previous presidentsThere are more sums of sums.

Rogers said that the Bayeng government "sold 1 million barrels of crude oil directly to a Chinese enterprise in April last year, and millions of barrels sold to overseas traders, and fell into China."

She said: "The strategic oil reserve in the United States is used to interrupt the real energy supply caused by hurricanes and natural disasters, not to help China ... consumes strategic reserves for political purposes, and sell part of them to some of them to them to them, and sell part of them to them to them toChina is a major threat to our national security ... (Government) is actively enriching our most dangerous geopolitical opponent China ’s crude oil reserves.”

Energy Policy Analysts, Solzbury, pointed out that the Republican Party proposed this bill to highlight the differences between the Republican and Democratic parties.compromise".

In order to cope with the surge in crude oil prices after the Russian and Ukraine War, Biden decided to sell 180 million barrels of strategic reserve crude oil last March and release the last 15 million barrels of the last 15 million barrels before the midterm election.Republican criticized Biden to do so in the election.

The Republican Party also accused the government's use of emergency reserves, saying that the Ministry of Energy transferred 900,000 barrels of crude oil to Sinopec's United Petrochemical America Co., Ltd. (UNIPEC America Inc.).The company has received billions of dollars in investment from Bhr PARTSERS, a member of the founding board of directors.