The official report of the North Korean media recently reported that the highest leader Kim Jong -un mentioned in his speech that "really want to sleep", highlighting Kim Jong -un's image of the people, but some analysts pointed out that this is a sign of Kim Jong -un's health.

North Korea ’s labor news on Tuesday (January 10) published on the front page entitled the great party leadership of our political theory, which introduced Kim Jong -un's speech.Kim Jong -un said: "The festival is for the people. If the Party Central Committee (itself) rests, when will it realize the dream and ideal of prosperity? I always have two wishes. One is to see that the North Korean people are happy in the world as soon as possible.Living in the ground, the other is to sleep. "

It is understood that in October last year, North Korea ’s CCTV played the parents of the documentary people, and disclosed that Kim Jong -un’ s inconspicuous and working picture in the special carriage.However, the analysis believes that Kim Jong -un's "insomnia" may be a sign of health abnormalities.

The National Intelligence Institute of Korea said at the plenary meeting of the Congress Intelligence Committee in July 2016: "Kim Jong -un was distressed by the threat of personal safety. In 2016, Kim Jong -un's weight increased by more than 40 kg and suffered from insomnia.It may cause adult disease. "

In addition, the British Telecom report on January 8th that Kim Jong -un, 39, faces the "middle -aged crisis" this year.

The newspaper has observed Kim Jong -un's physical changes for many years. The report said that Kim Jong -un cried after drinking, showing that he was lonely and suffering.Health anxiety and the pressure to maintain the system may face different challenges when they are 40 years old.

Cui Zhenxu, the former dean of the Unified Research Institute, said to the Daily Telegraph: "I heard that Kim Jong -un often drinks a lot of alcohol and cry, indicating that he is very lonely and in a high pressure state."