(Paris Comprehensive Television) A large study in Israel shows that if there is a long -term sequelae after healing, most symptoms will disappear within one year after healing.

According to the World Health Organization data, in 2020 and 2021, as many as 17 million crown patients in Europe were troubled by long covid, but the medical community had a limited understanding of long -term crown diseases, includingHow long will the sequelae last.

Israel's research covers nearly 2 million Israeli cases from March 2020 to October 2021. They are infected with early mutant strains, including Delta.Included.

Researchers analyzed more than 70 sequelae they appeared on them.

Research results show that the most likely sequelae of mild patients include the sense of smell and taste loss, the breathing problems, weakness, palpitations, inflammation of the throat, and dizziness, and it is usually called "brain fog" (brain fog "(brain fog).Attention and memory disorders, but most of the symptoms disappear in 12 months.

This research report was published on Thursday (January 12), which was released on Thursday (January 12). Another important conclusion of the study was that the sequelae of mild patients would not evolve into serious or chronic diseases.

The report of the joint author and the Bennita of the Institute of Israel, the Institute of Israel, said: "A small number of patients will feel asthma or feel weak in the year after infection, but most of the patients will be better in one year later.Get up. "

Ben Nita said in an interview with Agence France -Presse that the results of the research were "encouraged" because medical experts originally worried that the symptoms of long -term coronary disease would last longer.

However, this study does not include patients with crown diseases, and previous studies have shown that such patients have a higher risk of long -term crown disease.

Israeli studies have also found that compared with cases of unlocked coronal vaccines, the risk of respiratory problems in vaccination is lower.Breathing problems are the most common symptoms of patients with crown disease.

In addition, children's health problems are generally less than adults after child infection, and most of them recover well within one year.

The main author Mitzrach said that he hoped that the study could help doctors judge whether the symptoms of the patient were related to crown disease.

The Pediatrician of King London College, a pediatrician of the King of London, said that these discoveries were "pleased." This study determined that most children with long -term crown diseases recovered well.