(Washington News) The New York Times reported that the United States has increased its investment in the chip industry in the past 18 months, which is comparable to space competitions during the Cold War.Analysts believe that although this helps to correct the unbalanced supply and demand of the chip, it cannot allow the United States to achieve self -sufficiency.

Data from the US Semiconductor Industry Association shows that since 2020, more than 35 companies in the United States have promised to invest nearly $ 200 billion (about 268.2 billion yuan) in chip -related manufacturing projects.These funds will be used to build 23 new chip factories in 16 states including Texas, Arizona, and New York, expand nine existing factories, and invest in companies that provide equipment and materials for the semiconductor industry.

Bynden government has provided at least 760 billion US dollars, tax credit, and other subsidies to promote domestic chip production.

As the United States is trying to prevent China from becoming a advanced country in the chip field, these efforts have a significant impact on global technical leadership and geopolitics.

At present, more than 90 % of the world's most advanced chips are manufactured in Taiwan, which has caused the Taiwan Strait to break out. The Taiwan semiconductor supply chain may be destroyed, causing the United States to be technically in disadvantage.

U.S. officials say that investment in the chip industry will greatly reduce import demand, thereby improving US economic security.

A survey entrusted by the US Semiconductor Industry Association in 2020 shows that the government's investment in the chip industry 50 billion U.S. dollars may drive corporate -related expenditures and make the share of the United States in global chip production, from the existing 12%to 2030 to 203014%.

However, Miller, deputy professor of international history of the Fle and Foreign Foreign Institute of Tavz University, pointed out that a large amount of funds for chip production cannot make the United States self -sufficient.

Analysis: The shortage of technical talents will also affect the development of the chip industry

Industry insiders also believe that this can only improve the balance of supply and demand to a certain extent.They pointed out that building a new chip factory for several years, and these factories may not be able to provide the most advanced production technology when they are enabled.If the White House provides insufficient subsidies, companies may postpone or cancel these projects.

Analysts believe that the United States is unlikely to get rid of dependence on Taiwan in obtaining the most advanced chip, but can reduce other types of chips imported from Asia.However, some older low -order chips may still have the supply gap.

The shortage of technical talents will also affect the development of the chip manufacturing industry, because the number of engineers required for more complex manufacturing processes far exceeds the number of students who graduate from American institutions.

Because training talents take several years, the chip industry executives hope to make foreigners from higher education easier to work in the United States.US Minister of Commerce Raymond in November in November in Massachusetts Institute of Technology also stated that attracting the best scientific and technological talents in the world is an advantage that the United States cannot lose.