(Washington Composite Electric) Gragel, who is about to serve as the chairman of the Chinese House of Representatives, is about to be the chairman of the US House of Representatives. The acquisition of Chinese video applications TIKTOK by American companies is an "acceptable solution."

Mike Gallagher is a member of the Wisconsin. He described it during his visit to the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) on Sunday (January 1)."Digital Fentanyl" (Digital Fentanyl) will add addiction and cause damage.

Gragel said: "Tiktok is a video application owned by byte beating. Byte beating is actually controlled by the Chinese government. We must ask ourselves to ask the Chinese government to control the most influential in the United States.Media company. "

tiktok did not respond

The media asked Tiktok to comment, but the company did not respond.Tiktok previously insisted that he had never shared American user data with the Chinese government, and stated that some US members promoted the ban out of the "political motivation".

Garrat has proposed legislation to completely prohibit the use of TIKTOK in the United States.He believes that the acquisition of TIKTOK by US companies is a "feasible solution."

Gragel from the Republican Party emphasized: "We don't want to see some specious solutions, such as Tiktok set up data centers in Singapore, but in fact China and byte beating still retain their control."

In August 2020, the U.S. Overseas Investment Commission (CFIUS) requested that byte beating and stripping Tiktok on the grounds of protecting US user data, but after the president Bayeng came to power, the official did not implement this requirement.

The Republican Party won the control of the House of Representatives in the mid -November election in the mid -November election. After the new Congress of the United States sworn in Tuesday (January 3), McCarthy, the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, will set up a Chinese Affairs Responsibility Committee.This committee.

Garragel shows that he hopes to cooperate with the Biden government to promote these legislation."I don't think this should be a party problem."

The US Senate used the Tiktok bill to ban federal employees from the government's own equipment last month. This bill also received support from the two leaders of the House of Representatives and Democratic Democracy.Earlier, many states in the United States, including Maryland, Texas, and Iowa, have banned the use of Tiktok on mobile devices of the state government.

We do not want to see some plausible solutions, such as Tiktok set up data centers in Singapore, but in fact, China and byte beating still retain their control.

Gragel, Chairman of the China House of Representatives China Affairs Specialty Committee