(Geneva / London / Paris Composite Electricity) World Health Organization and China held a meeting to discuss the problem of surge in the surge in the diagnosis of crown diseases in China.WHO once again requested China to regularly report specific data and vaccination of the epidemic in the country.

After the Director -General of the WHO, Tan Desai called on China to disclose the information of the epidemic, and the WHO met with Chinese officials on Friday (December 30).WHO issued a statement saying that the meeting was to "seek further information and provide WHO's professional knowledge and more support."

WHO said that officials from the National Health Commission and the National Disease Control and Prevention Bureau explained the strategies and actions of China's strategies and actions in the crown disease epidemic trends, mutant monitoring, vaccination, clinical care, exchanges and research and development.

WHO once again requires China to regularly share the specific real -time data of the epidemic, including more gene sequencing data, hospitalization, severe disease and death, and coronary vaccination related data, especially data involving high -risk groups and groups over 60 years old.And emphasize the importance of vaccination and additional agent.

WHO also invites Chinese scientists to participate more closely to the WTO leadership network, asking them to provide detailed data at the meeting of the Virus Evolution Consulting Group next Tuesday.The statement said: "WHO emphasizes that monitoring and timely notification of epidemic data is crucial to help China and the international community formulate accurate risk assessment and provide information for effective response to the epidemic."

Britain on the grounds that the Chinese epidemic -related information was insufficient, on Friday, it was announced that starting from January 5th, the passengers who took off from China must show the proven of the crown disease within 48 hours before boarding.Officials will also sample some passengers to prevent new variant viruses.

France also stipulates that passengers flying from China must show the same test certificate, and that passengers of Chinese flights must wear masks.French officials have not announced the date of effectiveness, but officials told the media that starting from January 1, random virus nucleic acid testing (PCR) will be performed on passengers from China.

Switzerland shows that it does not plan to strengthen control of passengers entering China.A spokesman for the Ministry of Health of Switzerland said: "It is not necessary to provide vaccination certificates, certification or testing of crown disease, or detection.Entry restrictions.

Chinese passengers enter Sabah's crown disease test to be proved to be yin

In Southeast Asia, although the Malaysian Federal Government did not implement such restrictions on passengers from China, the Sabah State Government requested that all passengers departing from China must show that the crown disease test is proven to enter the country.

The Sabah State Government issued a statement saying that starting from January 1, 2023, all immigrants from China must be proved to be proven for inspection within 48 hours before the Bank of Communications.

The Ministry of Health of Malaysia only requires that all immigrants from China will be tested at the level at the level. Those with fever or other symptoms will be transferred to the isolation center or the Ministry of Health.EssenceMalaysia samples for wastewater from Chinese flights for PCR detection and gene sequencing.