(Manila / Washington Composite Electric) The United States condemn that Beijing's suspension of key communication channels with Washington is an "irresponsible" measure. It also stated that Beijing's actions have also shifted to transfer priority to martial arts from peacefully solving problems.However, the United States emphasizes communication with China.

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings Saturday (August 6) said at a press conference in Manila that China has stopped bilateral cooperation with the United States in eight key areas such as national defense, drugs, transnational crimes and climate change.To the world."Stop climatic cooperation cannot punish the United States, but punish the world, especially developing countries. We should not allow the differences between the two countries to hold the relationship worldwide."

But Brinken emphasized that the United States will maintain communication with China. When the tension is intensified, it is even more important to maintain dialogue.He said that when he attended the Asian Security Conference in Cambodia, he had told Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi that the United States was determined to maintain communication to avoid misjudgments, which is also expected by countries around the world.

"I want to declare that the United States does not consider the situation to upgrade the situation in terms of Taiwan, the region, or our own national security. We will keep the communication channels with China.Or the communication is poor and upgrade. "

After Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives, visited Taiwan a few days ago, Mainland China announced a number of countermeasures, including the cancellation of the arrangement of the leadership of the Chinese and American war zones, the Sino -US Ministry of Defense Work Conference and the China -US military safety consultation mechanism meeting., And suspended the negotiation of cross -border crime cooperation and the negotiations between China and the United States.The Chinese People's Liberation Army also conducted a series of exercises around Taiwan ’s island from August 4 and launched multiple missiles.

One day before Speaking, the White House also cut off the cooperation between the two countries in key areas as "irresponsible", and said that Beijing could alleviate the tension between the Taiwan Strait by ending the "provocative" military exercise.

Turning climate cooperation is punishing global

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kerbiri, on Friday (August 5), also accused China of being punishing the entire world, especially on climate issues."The climate crisis does not distinguish between the geographical line ... This is actually a global crisis of survival."

U.S. Climate Special Envoy Cry also said that China suspended cooperation with the United States to deal with climate issues, and the biggest affected by developing countries."No country should refuse to promote the efforts to properly respond to multinational issues for bilateral differences."

The 27th Conference of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) was held in Egypt in November this year. What changes and impacts will cause attention in the two major discharge countries in China and the United States.

In recent years, although China and the United States have continued to controversy in issues such as trade and human rights, cooperation in response to climate change is still advancing.The contacts between the two countries have paved the way for the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, and later also promoted countries to hold climate negotiations in Glasgow in 2021.

Today, China and the United States have stopped dealing with climate issues. It is worrying that this may undermine climate negotiations in other countries and weaken the determination to win the results.Earth warming and disaster are even more difficult to stop.