(Tokyo Composite Electric) Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishida announced that it will reorganize the cabinet next week to deal with the increasingly severe problems, including the tension of the Taiwan Strait, the crown disease epidemic, and the launch of economic stimulus measures to cope with inflation.

Kishida Saturday (August 6) attended the 77th anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bomb explosion at a press conference: "Considering the various problems faced, we must set up a new team as soon as possible."

Kanjin, Konkou, Kanada, said that Kishida has notified him that the reorganization of the cabinet will be announced on Wednesday (August 10).

Kishida did not disclose the new cabinet lineup, but the Yomiuri News reported earlier that the Minister of Defense Kishi may step down due to health issues; Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng, Cabinet Secretary General Matsuno Hiro, Mi Shengtaro, Vice President of the Liberal Democratic Party, Mao Mu Mu MuMin Chong will stay in office.

The Japanese current Affairs News Agency reported that the Minister of Finance, Suzuki Suzuki, will stay in office, and the Minister of Economy and Industry, Tatomi, may be left in office and may also be appointed other important positions.

Kishida was originally considered to be reorganized in mid -September.The recent cases of crown diseases in Japan have also surged to a new high level, and the soaring prices has become another hot potato of the government.

In order to promote economic and epidemic prevention policies, coupled with the amendment of national defense documents such as national security strategies at the end of the year, issues of additional national defense costs will be discussed. As a result, Kishida hopes to complete the reorganization early.

Current Affairs News Agency pointed out that the topic of domestic and foreign domestic and foreign countries has accumulated like mountains. Kishida looks forward to adjusting the foundation of stable governance through the personnel of the cabinet and party affairs. It is generally believed that he may promote the younger generation and women.

The former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot dead on July 8. As the largest faction of the Liberal Democratic Party, Abe did not have the position of president, and Kishida also attracted much attention how to arrange the Abeist person in the personnel layout.

The polls of the Japanese Economic News in July showed that the support rate of Kishida cabinet was 58%, and the support rate was the second lowest since Kishida ruling in October last year.

53%of the respondents opposed to hold a national funeral for Abe

The polls launched from July 30 to 31 showed that the support rate of Kishida Cabinet fell 12.2 percentage points to 51%, which was the lowest since he came to power.

The same polls also show that more than 80%of the respondents believe that the relationship between the "World Peace and Unified Family Federation" (referred to as unified religion) and politicians must be disclosed.Essence

In this regard, Kishida stated that the cabinet instructed the unified teaching of the cabinet and any contact with the cabinet members including the deputy minister.Regarding Abe's national funeral, he pointed out that Abe is the longest prime minister in modern Japan. Considering that he was killed during the election period, it was appropriate for the government to hold a national funeral for him.