(Washington Composite Electric) The White House accused China of the White House. After visiting Taiwan in the US House of Representatives Perosi, the missile test in Taiwan was excessive.The White House spokesman Cerby pointed out that Beijing's behavior was "a crisis of artificial manufacturing" and believed that Beijing was trying to change the balance of power of the Taiwan Strait.

Kobe said at a press conference on Thursday (August 4): "China has chosen an over -reaction, and uses the interview of the Speaker as an exclusive military activity to add provocative military activities around the Taiwan Strait.Major upgrade is a long -term attempt to change the status quo. "

Kobe also said that China is trying to "build a new status to gain a new normal", but the United States will not accept the new status quo and the world will not accept it.

He pointed out that as long as China stops military exercise and missile launch, the tension is easy to calm down.

The United States delayed test -firing intercontinental missiles

Kobe also confirmed on the same day that in order to prevent the Taiwan Strait's crisis from intensify, the US government has postponed the long -planned militia -type intercontinental ballistic missile test.He said: "We believe that the further upgrade of the tension is not in line with the interests of us, Taiwan and regions. After China conducts a stable and stable military exercise around Taiwan, the United States is showing the responsibility by reducing the risk of misjudgment and misunderstanding to show the risk of misjudgment and misunderstanding.Nuclear country behavior. "

Dan Cerby said that the Riden aircraft carrier battle group will continue to monitor the situation in the Western Pacific region. The United States will not stop acting in the Western Pacific Sea and airspace in accordance with international law, and will continue to support Taiwan and defend the free and open Indo -Pacific region.

U.S. Secretary of State Broskere, who attended the East Asian Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, also accused China of trying to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait through military exercises, and believed that China's response was "blatant provocation."

Blingken delivered a speech at the East Asian Summit on Friday (5th), Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Russian Foreign Minister Raft Raverov were also present.According to a Western officials attending the summit on the same day, Brinken pointed out that after Perosi visited Taiwan peacefully, China made extreme, excessive and exacerbated military responses, which could not be passed.

It is revealed that Brings, who delivered a speech after Lavrov and Wang Yi, also asked other foreign ministers here, including representatives from 10 countries in Southeast Asia, Australia, Japan, South Korea, India, and New Zealand.What will they feel when launching missiles in the economic zone.

Brinken pointed out that the United States has not changed its policies for China and Taiwan, but Beijing is taking increasingly provocative actions to destroy the status quo.

He said that the United States will not launch the crisis, but the United States will continue to support the allies in the region and will continue to use the Taiwan Strait airspace and seas within the allowable scope of international law.

Bonnie Glaser, director of the Asian Project of the Marshall Foundation in the United States, pointed out that the military response made by China ’s House of Representatives Perosi after visiting the United States House of Representatives Perosi was indeed“ stronger than expected ”after the visit of the US House of Representatives Perosi.And believe that this "dangerous movement" in China may heat up sharply.

However, Ge Laiyi also said that China has a strong response to remind the United States to adhere to the "one China" policy.She said: "China wants to warn the United States and Taiwan, not to cross the 'red line' on the Taiwan issue. In Beijing, the warnings issued before are completely ignored."