(Kiev comprehensive) Ukraine President Zernezki revealed that he is seeking opportunities to talk directly with Chinese officials to help end the Russian and Ukraine War.

When he was interviewed by the South China Morning Post, he urged China to use his own political and economic influence on Russia to assist the end of the war.He said that China is a very powerful country and economy, and it is also a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, so it can affect Russia politically and economically.

The Nanhua Morning Post published an exclusive interview report on Thursday (August 4).This was the first time that Zelezzky was interviewed by Asian media since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War.

"I want to talk directly. I had a conversation with Chinese officials a year ago. Since the large -scale aggression on February 24 this year, we have officially asked to talk.But we have not started any dialogue with China. "

He also said that in the years before the Russian and Ukraine War, Ukraine continued to seek close relationships with China, and pointed out that Chinese officials were one of the few world leaders who visited Ukraine.He hopes that China will take a different attitude towards the Russian and Ukraine War.

On the other hand, Ukraine refuted former German Prime Minister Schroder on Wednesday that Russia hopes to resolve the Russian and Ukraine War by negotiations, and insist that any dialogue will be on the premise of Russia's ceasefire and withdrawal.

Schroder and Russian President Putin had a good relationship. The two met in Moscow last week.Schroeda revealed in an interview with German media that Russia hopes to solve problems through negotiations.

"(Russia and Ukraine) to reach a food agreement is the first step in success, and maybe it can slowly expand to a ceasefire."

However, President Ukraine and chief negotiating representative Bodoliako responded that the grain agreement will not lead to a wider range of negotiations, and also criticized Schroder as the "Magic Board of the Klimlin."

He tweeted that if Russia wants to talk, he must first stop and withdraw the troops before carrying out a constructive dialogue.