(Tokyo Composite Electric) China conducted military exercises around Taiwan on Thursday. Five missiles launched on the day fell into the Japanese exclusive economic zone. Some analysts pointed out that this is the consequences of warning that Japan is facing Taiwan.

However, the New York Times quoted expert analysis that if Beijing's intention was to intimidate Japan, it may promote Japan to accelerate the increase in defense expenses.

THOMAS G. Mahnken, former director of the Ministry of Defense and the current director of the Strategy and Budget Evaluation Center of Washington Think Tank, said Beijing hopes to remind the United States that it will not only have the abilityThe Kaisa Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan, and any invasion of the army from the sea.

He said, this is also reminding Japan that the military existence of the United States in Okinawa has made Japan a goal.

Daniel Sneider, an expert from Stanford University Research, analyzed: "China wants to prove that they are capable of blocking Taiwan. They want to send clear information to the United States and Japan, which are interested in assisting Taiwan, that is, China, that is, China, that is, ChinaYou can also set them as the target. "

Stanard also said: "If some people in Japan think that it can avoid the conflict of being involved in the Taiwan Strait, China has proven that this is not the case."

Expert: Beijing Interest If it is intimidating or promoting Japan to accelerate the increase in defense expenses

Some analysts also believe that mainland Chinese military performances in Taiwan may change the status quo of the region.Senior Researcher Kobayashi, a senior researcher at the Institute of International Institute of International International Issues, said: "This exercise only lasted for three days, but in the next few years, this large -scale exercise may become the norm."

However, some experts believe that if Beijing's intention is to intimidate Japan, launching missiles to the Japanese exclusive economic zone may cause anti -effects.

Senior Researcher Chen Yiji, a senior researcher at the Statin Research Center of Washington Think Tank, said: "Seeing that Chinese missiles fall in the Japanese Economic Zone, it may actually promote argument about accelerating the increase in national defense expenses."

The New York Times pointed out that Japan has carefully observed the rise of China for many years, and has begun to bear more defense responsibilities, on the one hand, reducing dependence on the United States and strengthening cooperation with other allies on the other hand.

In the latest defense white paper, the Ministry of Defense pointed out that the possibility of confrontation between China and the United States should be "crisis."In order to deal with such incidents, Japanese military planning staff strengthened coordination with the U.S. military and deployed more troops and missiles to the island that may be at the front line of conflict.