(Seoul Comprehensive Electric) For the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Perosi to visit the Typhoon, South Korea urged all parties to start dialogue to maintain regional peace and stability.

South Korean Presidential Office officials said at a press conference on Wednesday (August 3): "The position of the Korean government is closely communicating with relevant parties ... It is important to maintain regional peace and stability through dialogue and cooperation."

South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials stated on the same day that South Korea hopes that the Taiwan Strait will maintain peace and stability, and also hopes that the relevant party will conduct dialogue cooperation and continue to promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations.

Perlus leaves Taiwan on Wednesday and goes to South Korea.The Presidential Palace of South Korea said that the South Korean government welcomed Perosi to visit, hoping that the Speaker of the Korean and the United States would have achieved fruitful results.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, the South Korean government has a cautious attitude towards Perosi's visit to Taiwan and pays close attention to the impact of the situation on the situation of Sino -US relations.South Korean diplomatic experts generally believe that, in view of South Korea's allies in Northeast Asia and an important partner of China, coordinating management and controlling the United States and China has become the largest diplomatic issue in South Korea.

Analysis: If China and the United States are intensively upgraded to the Korean "Choose Stand Team" pressure or aggravate

Analysis pointed out that if China and the United States are tensioned further, the pressure or aggravation of South Korea's "selection of side -by -side stations" will increase the difficulty of seeking the Nuclear and Korean Peninsula problems.