(Morning News) The White House U.S. White House urged China not to increase the tension due to the expected visit to Taiwan because of the US House of Representatives Perosi, and it shows that the Biden government is fighting for alert for Beijing.

Bloomberg reported that Kobe, a strategic communication coordinator of the National Security Council on Monday (August 1), said: "Beijing has no reason to transform a potential access to a long -term US policy into some kind of crisis or conflict, or take the opportunity to take the opportunitySet up the military provocation of the Taiwan Strait. "

Cerbin for the first time explained in detail the actions that China may take to visit Taiwan, including launching missiles to the Taiwan Strait, launching new military activities, flying over the informal banned flying area between Taiwan and the mainland, and the release of the Taiwan StraitThe "false" legal claim.

Cerbin: Pelossey's "There is a precedent for potential Taiwan"

Kobe emphasized that the United States "has not broken the rules", "has not changed the status quo", and said that Peross's "potential Taiwan trip had precedents."

Cerbin said: "Faced with provocation, we will not dance with it, but we will not be scared. We will continue to carry out activities in the Western Pacific Sea and Air in the Western Pacific."

In addition, U.S. Secretary of State Broskel attended the UN nuclear non -proliferation meeting on the 1st that Perlis itself decided to visit Taiwan. In any case, the United States hopes that China will not upgrade the situation.

Brinken said: "If the Speaker of (Pelosi) decides to visit Taiwan, and mainland China is trying to create a crisis or make the situation nervous, which depends entirely on Beijing."

He said: "If she (Pelosi) visit Taiwan, we hope that they (mainland China) will take a responsible attitude and will not take any action that will upgrade the situation."

The US delegation led by Pelosi arrived in Singapore on the 1st for two days to visit, and then the itinerary also included Malaysia, South Korea and Japan.Perosi, who has been holding a tough position for Beijing for a long time, has not confirmed whether she will visit Taiwan, but all signs show that she will stay in Taiwan.

Reuters quoted three insiders on the 1st that Perosi would visit Taiwan on the 2nd.The Ministry of National Defense of Mainland China has warned that "never sit at the sight."