(Kiev Composite Electric) Ukraine President Zelezki fired the chief prosecutor Wineykitova and the director of the National Security Agency, Bakanov.He lost confidence in the management ability of the two.

This is the largest personnel rectification of the Kiev government since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24.

Zelei Sky issued an exempt notice on the presidential website on Sunday (July 17) by issuing an administrative order.Ivan Bakanov was a friend of Zellezki, and IRyna Venediktova led Ukraine to sue the Russian army for the crime of war.

Zelei posted in Telegram that the removal of the positions of the two was because of their management agencies, many people colluded with Russia have been revealed.

He also said that other institutions also have problems in this area.

Investigation 651 cases of rebels involving nations

Zeleiski said that Ukrafe has launched a investigation of 651 suspected "betrayal" and "rivals" for procuratorates and law enforcement officials.He also revealed that more than 60 employees from procuratorates and the National Security Agency are on the territory occupied by Russia to engage in activities that are not conducive to Ukraine.

The number of these traditions of traditions highlights the huge challenges of Russia's penetration to Ukraine.

Zellennki said: "This series of crimes that endanger the foundation of the national security ... so that relevant leaders face very serious questions. These questions will be answered correctly one by one."

After more than four months of battles, the Russian army has occupied large areas of southern and east of Ukraine, causing thousands of people to die and millions of people have fallen off.

Responsible for supervising the arrest of former officials of the National Security Bureau of Crimea

Reuters pointed out that considering that the Ukraine had previously effectively prevented the Russian offensive in the Kiev area, Hulson in southern Ukraine could be quickly captured by the Russian army for a mystery.

Zelei Skyki gave a speech nationwide on the evening of the 17th, and also mentioned that the person in charge of the National Security Agency, who has recently been arrested for supervising the Crimean region, who has recently arrested the Crimean region.

Crimea was annexed by Russia in 2014, and Kiev and the West still regarded Crimea as Ukraine land.

Zeleiski said that when he began to invade in Russia, he dismissed the person in charge. Now the person was arrested, proving that his decision was reasonable.

"There is sufficient evidence of this person's suspected betrayal of the country. All his criminal activities are recorded in the case."

In Moscow, the Vice Chairman of the Russian Federal Security Conference, Medvedev warned on the 17th that Ukraine and Western powers refused to recognize Moscow's control over Crimea, constituting a "systemic threat" to Russia, any from the outside world to Crimi.The Asian attack will lead to a "trial day" response.

Medvedev did not further explain, but he warned the United States to try to punish a nuclear military power like Russia in Ukraine. He said that it may endanger all humanity.

In addition, the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement on the 18th that when the Minister of Defense, Shogu, ordered the army to use high -precision weapons to destroy Ukraine's long -range missiles and rocket launchers when they visited the occupied area.

It is unclear how much the new instruction will bring to the war situation, because the Russian army has been trying to destroy Ukraine's weapons for several months, while the United States and Europe have stepped up more military reserve to the Kiev government.