(Washington Composite Electric) Former US National Security Consultant Bolton acknowledged on television that he had assisted in planning a coup in some overseas countries, but he argued that the riots in Parliament in Washington on January 6, 2021 were not a coupEssence

Bolton served as a national security consultant of former President Trump from 2018 to 2019.He delivered the above speeches during an interview with the United States CNN on July 12.

Earlier that day, the Special Investigation Committee of the U.S. Congress of the United States Public Investigation Board accused Trump of the hearing that after defeating the presidential election in 2020, in order to continue to stay in office, he did not hesitate to incite violence to try to overthrow the results of the election.

However, Bolton pointed out in an interview with the CNN program host Jake Tapper that Trump did not launch a "carefully planned coup" in Trump."As a person who assisted in planning a coup, it is not here, but you know other places, which involves huge projects. Trump cannot do it."

Taber asked Bolton what coup he refers to.Bolton first answered "I don't plan to talk about specific details", and then mentioned Venezuela.

Bolton said: "The result is not successful. It doesn't mean how much we have to do with it, but I see how much effort will it cost to try to overthrow the president of an illegal election, and they will eventually fail."

In 2019, the Venezuela opposition leader Guaido called on the military to support him to overthrow the socialist President Madro. Bolton publicly supported Guydo at the time, saying that Maduro's re -election was illegal.But in the end Maduro still had power.

Taber asked Bolton and said, "I think (except Venezuela), you have other things that have not told me." Bolton responded: "I'm sure."

Many foreign policy experts have criticized Washington to intervene in other countries for many years. From 1953, they assisted in overthrowing the then Iranian nationalist Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh and involved in the Vietnam War to invade Iraq and Afghanistan this century.However, US officials publicly acknowledged that they were "extremely unusual" to participate in inciting foreign turmoil.

Bolton is the "Four Dynasties veterans" of the Republican President, holding too many positions in Reagan, Old Bush, Bush, and Trump administration.Bolton is a recognized diplomatic hawk and has promoted the US invasion of Iraq.