(Washington Composite) announced on Wednesday (July 13) that the United States has recently successfully tested two Locochid Martin hypersonic missiles.The U.S. Air Force confirmed that the US military successfully tested the air -shot rapid response weapon (ARRW) on the coast of California on Tuesday.Reuters reports that a B-52H bomber carries a missile propeller to test in the air.

Lockheed Martin issued a statement saying: "The second successful test proves that ARRW can reach and bear the high supersonic operation, collect key data for future flight tests, and also verify and aircraft that also verify and aircraftSafety separation. "

The Executive Officer of the Air Force Military Board Project Corinth said: "We have now completed a series of booster series tests, and are preparing to conduct comprehensive tests in this year." The so -called comprehensive test includes booster and warhead.

Successfully testing combat fire high supersonic weapons in New Mexico

The speed of the hypersonic weapon in the high -level atmosphere is more than five times the speed of the sound, that is, about 6,200 kilometers per hour.

Another heterochotic weapon of the U.S. Defense Administration (DARPA) successfully tested the combat firepower program (DARPA) in New Mexico.

Combat firepower is a ground launch system that can quickly and accurately hit key and time -sensitive goals while penetrating the enemy's advanced air defense system.DARPA received trial funds for $ 45 million (about S $ 63 million) in the fiscal year in 2022.The previous tests of the United States have ended in failure, causing concerns that the research and development of U.S. hypersonic weapons lags behind China and Russia. This successful shows that the United States has made progress in the research and development of the United States in this field.

Before, the U.S. military conducted a test flight at the U.S. Military Missile shooting range at the Hawaii Pacific Missile shooting range facilities on June 29, and failed.This disrupted the US military's plan.

The Pentagon was originally announced that ARRW would be the first high -speed weapon in the United States before September 30.China and Russia have a highly mobility weapon that can fly at a high speed.

Since the global focus has been placed in the new military competition, Lockchid Martin, Northrop Grumman Corp and Raytheon Technologies Corp and other arms manufacturers have invested in investment.The person shows their hypersonic weapon plan.