Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Sanguang Tianhua was shot and died in a street speech. This is extremely rare and shocked in Japan.> breaks the Japanese "security myth" that has always been regarded as a good public security. It is also expected to change Japan's public security management, including the introduction of stricter gun control. As a country, what else did Japan lose in addition to losing Abe's former leader?What changes will the various factions in the Liberal Democratic Party happen?

July 8, 2022 is two days before the vote of the Japanese Senate's election. Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe went to Nara County to help the Liberal Democratic Party candidate platform.After being accompanied by a bodyguard to the scene, he stood on the streets surrounded by the crowd, and began to speak for two minutes. He was interrupted by the sound of gunfire suddenly behind him and fell to the ground with the middle of the gun.

The video shot by the female reporter of the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) showed that Abe also turned to watch after the first gunshot.Witnesses told the media: "That gunfire is like letting fireworks, and Abe fell after the second gunshot." The bodyguards around Abe panicked on the spot. Although they caught the suspect, they could not protect the master in time.Essence

50 minutes after the incident, Abe arrived at Nara Medical University Hospital for rescue. At that time, there were news that his cardiopulmonary function stopped and there was no sign of life.The doctor responsible for the rescue later revealed at the press conference that Abe's neck had two gunshot wounds, and the large blood vessels and the ventricle had large wounds.

On the same day, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida, who was aid in Yamagata County, took the Self -Defense Forces to return to the Prime Minister's House to hold a cabinet emergency meeting.At 2 pm, Kishida's ormal tears told everyone: "Abe's situation is critical, and (hospital) is being rescued. We hope that former Prime Minister Abe can keep his life."

At 4:55 pm, Mrs. Abe Hui Hui arrived at the hospital.It is reported that Abe was separated eight minutes after his wife arrived -5:3rd, 67 years old.The Nara County police announced the results of Abe's judicial autopsy on the 9th, pointing out that a bullet entered the body from the left upper arm to damage the arteries under the left and right collarbone, causing too much blood loss to die.

Kishida strongly condemned the shooting atrocities, referring to the savage behavior of shooting the former Prime Minister at the election activity, and it was absolutely impossible to forgive.He also emphasized that it is necessary to defend freedom and fair elections, because this is the foundation of democracy and firmly believes that "will never succumb to violence."

Many public security problems have occurred in Japanese society in recent years

On the day of the incident that the suspected murderous motivation, the political landmarks such as the Prime Minister's Mansion and the National Association of the National Association have strengthened security guards.Cabinet members and Liberal Democratic Party cadres who were originally busy on the streets also interrupted the campaign.

In recent years, many public security problems have occurred in Japanese society, especially the killing incidents of some public places.In 2019, Kyoto's animation company building was arsoned by a man, causing 36 people to die. After the defendant was arrested, the police told the police that they only went to steal a novel.In December 2021, a patient at a patient at a clinic in Osaka caused 26 people to die.In addition, it is difficult to buy firearms in Japan, but the underworld occasionally create some shootings.

However, politicians, especially high -level dignitaries during the election of the Senate, are extremely rare for the assassination of high -level politicians, which makes people wonder if this is a sign of increasing political violence.

Japanese historian Kosamo Konoshi said: "When I heard the news, I thought of the 1930s. At that time, there was an incident of civilian assassinations of politicians during the election. At that timeThe price is high, people's salary cannot keep up with inflation, and many young people are disappointed in the future. Now the environment in Japan is similar to that era. The crown disease epidemic is entangled to this day, and the price of the Russian and Ukraine war has caused soaring.Employment, but among the Japanese people, the non -formal employment of scattered workers are constantly expanding. "

Japanese critic Morita Taki believes: "Locking the important figures such as Abe is a political terror and violence. Throughout the history of Japan, the assassin culture has always existed. It may be a single terrorist or terrorist organization.Their actions may distort and change history. "

Political figures have been assassinated in Japan before and after the war. It is well known that it was May 15, 1932 before the war.At that time, the Prime Minister Inuyi was shot shot by 11 young radical naval officers in the office.These officers intend to overthrow the election government by assassuring the Prime Minister and change the military government.

On July 14, 1960, Kishitaosuke (Abe's grandfather's grandfather) was stabbed by members of the "Greatization" of the Right -wing Group at the Liberal Democratic Party's party conference. On July 19, he stepped down for three and a half years.

On October 12 of the same year, when the Chairman of the Japanese Socialist Party, Asakura Kamaguro delivered a campaign in Tokyo, someone rushed to the podium with a warrior knife to kill him.After the incident, the Socialist Party gradually declined and the Liberal Democratic Party became strong.

In 2007, the mayor of Nagasaki was killed by underworld shots outside a station.


Locking an important person like Abe is a political terror and violence.Throughout the history of Japan, the assassin culture has always existed. It may be a single terrorist or terrorist organization, and their actions may distort and change history.

—— Japanese critic Morida

Abe's "No Threat of each other" principle can become the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan

According to the newspaper news news, Abe talked with the newspaper the night before the killing, and had great hope for the election of the Senate. At that time, he predicted that the Liberal Democratic Party would win 60 seats in 125 seats.On the third day after his death, the Senate Election of the Liberal Democratic Party on July 10 won the victory of the Liberal Democratic Party and won 63 seats. The constitutional amendment forces in the Senate exceeded the Congress to revise two -thirds of the amendments.

Okada, a member of the Kyodo Society of Japan, pointed out in an interview with the United Morning Post: "Most candidates of the Liberal Democratic Party have called on Abe to inherit Abe's constitutional legacy after Abe.The constitutional wish is obviously felt a certain pressure. This also shows that it is a liberal shore field. In fact, there is no guts to resist the right -wing forces around Abe. "

Okada believes: "Most of the heirs of the Abe faction are the right -wing characters of the hardcore of China. If Kishida is in this reorganization (August or September), no longer reused Abe's younger brother Anxinfu and Ai Ai General Aihuan.Gao Shi Miao will be fully resisted by the right wing. After Kishida won in this election, I believe that it will not make changes in the policy of China, not to mention that the United States is also maintaining the Abe route.Requirements. "

However, Okada also believes that Abe visited China in October 2018, and put forward the goals of the Sino -Japanese New Age, that is, from competition to cooperation, unwavering, freedom and fairness,The principle of item can be used as a positive material for China and Japan to promote relations between the two countries.

September this year is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. It is expected that the Kishida Association and the Chinese official "Online talks" may be sent to each other with videos.There are too many "Chinese threat theory" in Japan now, which can use "mutual threats" as the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. This is today.It will be a valuable consensus between China and Japan.

Struggle of the Struggle of the Embers of the Liberal Democratic Party

Most of the analysts studying Japanese politics believe that the death of Abe will make the Liberal Democratic Party imbalance. His leading party's largest faction "Qinghe Policy Research Society" (referred to as Qinghe) will have a dispute over power.

The commentator of the Liberal Democratic Party ’s politicians, who is familiar with the Democratic Party, accepted the Lianhe Zaobao interview that there are more than 90 members of the“ Qinghe Council ”led by Abe, and a quarter of the members of the party belong to this faction.There are more than 100 newcomers elected in the Senate.Now that this faction has no head, the heirs' dispute will be launched quickly after the death of Abe.

He said: "A large organization like Qinghe will have a person with political funds to sit in the town. He was a member of the member of the faction (the father of Shinzo Abe, the former foreign minister).After, if the faction is too big, it is difficult to maintain it. This time, the killer of Abe is likely to lead to a huge clear peace. "

Yezhang Zhongxing believes that the dispute between faction is the "characteristic" of the Liberal Democratic Party. In addition to the factions, there will be differences in the factions.There are two major political genes in Qinghe, one is Abe's grandfather Kishimo, and the other is the father of former Prime Minister Fukuda Kangfu's father, Fukuda, and the latter is the founder of the faction and the former Prime Minister.Although they are also a faction, they have differences on the policy route.Kishitaisuke took a tough route, and the Futian faction was relatively mild.

The third -generation Futian Dav (55) is currently a member of the Qinghehui.Last year's President of the Liberal Democratic Party reported that he was going to start another stove during the election campaign.After Kishida, he served as the President of the Liberal Democratic Party. It is reported that some people in the faction are actively cultivating him as the future prime minister.The same as Abe, from Abe, is the same as the political genes from the political family. They are all political genes that are valued by factions.Some people say that Fukuda's academic background is much stronger than Abe. He graduated from the Department of Law of the famous institution in Japan, and then engaged in research at the Institute of Senior International Relations at John Hopkins University in the United States.

Futian originally worked in private enterprise Mitsubishi Commercial, and became a father's political secretary after leaving in 2004.His father decided to withdraw from the politics in 2012, and he took over the political mantle of the Futian family to participate in politics.Some analysts believe that Fukuda Kangfu had a intention to appear a year when his son came to power.

In the later period of Abe's ruling, the president of the third party was selected in 2018, but because the right -wing educated operators obtained the scandal of money involved in money at low prices, Fukuda Kangfu, who had retreated behind the scenes, suddenly stood out and attended Abe's enemy stone broken.Mao's lectures and publicly contained Abe publicly.After Abe retreated, he always wanted to support the female love generals without a political family background, that is, the current President of the Liberal Democratic Party ’s Political Tune Gaosa Miao, which also made some people in the faction dissatisfied. Abe’ s death was accused of exacerbating friction in the faction.Essence

On the day of Abe's gun, there were clues to show the "pro -Abe" characters in the Qinghe Pai to work hard to brush the presence.For example, Nishimura Kangyu, Minister of Economic Revitalization, who was assisted by Kobe, was rushed to Nara Hospital immediately after he heard that Abe was admitted to the hospital.In Tokyo's Minister of Economy and Industry, Miyata Kato, immediately went to Abe's office that day.In addition, Shi Genghong Cheng, the current Senate's Liberal Democratic Party's Democratic Party, was responsible for increasing exposure and publicity of Abe's political opinions when he was in power and the current Senate Liberal Democratic Party's chairman.

The Liberal Democratic Party is worried about the retreat of the military strategy

Abe is the oldest prime minister in the history of Japanese constitutional government. He has been in power for eight years and eight months.He was in power for the first time in 2006, at the age of 52, and was the youngest prime minister in Japan.In 2012, he was in power for the second time to win the Olympic rights for Tokyo for the 2020 Olympic Games.

Sammery news has praised Abe's performance in the society, saying that his diplomacy "focused on global" and visited 80 countries and regions.He has established a trust relationship with leaders of various countries, especially with the intimate relationship with former US President Trump, and builds "the best relationship in the history of Japanese and American."In the case of chaos in the international situation, the Japanese government has high hopes for Abe's diplomatic contact.

After coming to power at the end of 2012, Abe began to implement a series of economic stimulus policies called "Abe Economics", with a view to the Japanese economy getting rid of long -term shrinkage, sustainable growth through structural reform, and enhancing international competitiveness.Even after he resigned from the position of Prime Minister, he still led the Japanese government's financial discussion, such as calling for flexibly to respond to the normalization of the government's normalized fiscal deficit in 2025.

Samping news quoted a cadre of the Liberal Democratic Party and pointed out: "Abe's conservative posture and the faction led by Tianwenxiong, the Nikkei Bank. In the past, Abe could make them accept it, but he was gone. We are worried about it. We are worried about it. We are worried about it.Increasing national defense expenditure will be backward. "

Abe is a real strong militaryist.For the first time, he promoted the defense department and proposed that he should take the name as the Self -Defense Force in the Constitution, and continuously advocates strengthening Japan's defense capabilities in military strategies.On the 6th of this month, he emphasized that Russia's invasion of Ukraine on the streets of Yokohama said on the platform of Yokohama that Russia invaded Ukraine: "To stop war is to strengthen deterrence, we must resolutely strengthen military capabilities."

Japanese media: Japan has lost leaders who can express their statements on economic decisions and historical issues

The Make -making News was a memorial service on the day of Abe's shot, pointing out that Abe still led military decision -making within the party after the steps stepped down, and said that Abe's death was covered with Wuyun to Japan, which means that what Japan lost was a economic decision -making in economic decision -makingAnd the leader on historical issues.