Biden promised the United States to continue to play active partners in the Middle East, and will not "leave" and leave "vacuum" to fill China, Russia or Iran and other countries.However, Biden could not fight for the resolute and direct commitment of the Arab world leaders to establish regional safety axis and increase oil output including Israel.

(Gada Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden Biden ended his visit to the Middle East on Saturday (July 16).The analysis believes that except for repairing the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia, this trip has rarely achieved any major achievements, and even stains the persistent human rights and foreign policy of Biden; some people question whether his visit is worth it.

This is the first visit to the Middle East since Biden took office. He visited Israel and Saudi Arabia's four -day visit to repair the relationship with Saudi Arabia. At the same time, he hopes to convince Saudi Arabia to increase oil output.Biden also hopes to use this interview to show the United States' commitments to the Middle East and respond to the increasing influence of Iran, Russia and China.

At the Arab Summit held at the Saudi coast city on the 16th, Biden promised that the United States would continue to play active partners in the Middle East.He also said at a press conference held by Gada that the United States intends to stay active in the Middle East and will not "leave", leaving "vacuum" to fill China, Russia or Iran and other countries.

However, Biden could not win the resolute and direct commitment of the Arab world leaders to establish regional safety axis and increase oil output in the area including Israel.

Saudi Foreign Minister Ferbas said that he did not know that there was any discussion about the Persian Bay -Israeli Defense Alliance, and Saudi Arabia did not participate in such negotiations.Fergar told reporters after the US -Arab Summit that Saudi Arabia decided to open airspace to all airlines on the eve of Biden's visit, not a precursor to establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

For external analysis, Biden visited Saudi Arabia to want to convince the main oil producer of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to increase oil production to reduce the price of oil and relieve the pressure of inflation in the United States, and build a momentum for the mid -term elections in the United States in November.The United States' inflation has been at a high of more than 40 years and threatened Biden's support.

But Biden returned empty -handed. Saudi Arabia refused to increase oil output unilaterally and insisted that it was necessary to operate within the "OPEC+" framework.OPEC+member states include Russia.

For this reason, Biden can only send out the output at the meeting of OPEC+member states at the meeting held on August 3.

Ben Cahill, energy analyst at the Center for Strategy and International Research Center, said: "Everyone is paying attention to OPEC+meetings on August 3. If Saudi Arabia and the UAE want to increase their output, they will be achieved through OPEC+.We must keep in mind that the demand is softening. I am not sure if these countries will believe that the market needs more crude oil supply. "

In addition, on the 15th, Biden touched the Saudi Prince Mohammed in front of the Gada Royal Palace and asked it to face the hypocritical allegations of human rights elements and allies in China.

The American Intelligence Department believes that Muhammad is behind the Washington Post Saudi columnist Kashuji behind the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.Although Biden told Muhammad during the meeting that he had to be responsible for the death of Kashuji, Biden was still accused of giving the Saudi government legitimacy with a poor human rights record through this meeting.

Hui'an President Ryan said in a statement that Bayeng asked in Gada and Mohammed."It shows a certain degree of intimacy and comfort, and brings Muhammad the underlying redemption that he has been desperately seeking."