(Washington / Kiev Composite Electric) U.S. President Bayeng signed a new military aid facilities on Friday to provide Ukraine with the latest weapons worth $ 400 million (about S $ 560 million), including four sets of Hamas multi -tube rocket launchers system.And ammunition to strengthen the ability of the Ukraine to crack down on Russian arsenal and supply chain.

Senior officials of the US Department of Defense said that Ukraine, under the support of the Haimas system, successfully crack down on the Russian base in the territory and destroy the combat capabilities of Russian artillery.

Senior officials also said that the United States also provided new types of howitzers this time, farther and more accurate than the previous range.

Analysts believe that since the first batch of Hamas rocket launchers to Ukraine last month, the Ukraine may have successfully destroyed a dozen or more Russian ammunition libraries far from the front line.

In addition to the latest military aid, the total military aid provided by Ukraine has reached $ 7.3 billion for Ukraine.

When the Ukrainian President Zeleziski delivered a video speech on Thursday night, he called on the international community to continue to support Ukraine.He pointed out that the more national defense assistance in Ukraine, the sooner the war ended, and the smaller the losses of countries around the world.

In addition, the representative of Ukraine's chief negotiated representative Bodoliako said that the Russian army is forced to suspend the operation for consumption and supply, and the Ukraine is about to usher in a turning point.

Bodoliako accepted an interview with Ukraine TV stations: "A turning point is being formed, and we will start attacking (Russian) storage facilities and command centers."

Reserve forces after the Russian mobilization are prepared for future attacks

The British Military Intelligence Agency said on Saturday that intelligence shows that Russia is mobilizing from all over the country to prepare troops, gathered near Ukraine to prepare for future attacks.

It is known that a large part of these new Russian infantry will have armored vehicles as the main transportation tools and combat support.