(Morning News) Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishita on Friday (July 8) said that for the former Prime Minister Abe was assassinated and died. indicates a deep regret, and vowed that Japan's democracy will "never succumb to violence."

Comprehensive foreign news reports, Abe's three Fridays at about 11:30 am (at 10:30 am in Singapore time) during the release of a speech in Nara City, the gun was sent to the hospital for five hours and announced the dying.67 years old.

Kishida Wenxiong said emotionally: "I have been praying that he can be rescued, but despite this, I still receive the news of his death ... this is really a pity.Come on. I hope to express my sincere mourning and pray that his soul can rest in peace. "

During Shinzo Abe's as Prime Minister, Kishida was once a Japanese foreign minister.He said that he lost a friend and said that the shooting was "despicable and brutal behavior."

He also said that "Abe" loves this country, which is always one step ahead of the times. He is a great politician and has left many achievements for the future development of the country in various fields.It is very sad to lose him as a way. "

Kishida Wenxiong said that the Senate election activities on Sunday (10th) will be carried out as planned, and the government will say that the government will do its best to ensure safety."We must defend freedom and fair elections. This is the foundation of democracy. We will carry out tomorrow's campaign according to the plan. We firmly believe that we will never succumb to violence."