The "Ayana San" Macroeconomic Research Office released the latest report on Tuesday to reduce the economic growth of Asa -San this year, from 4.7 % of the earlier prediction to 4.3 %.

The tightening of the Ukrainian war and global financial conditions. In addition to the recent outbreak of China, it will have a negative impact on the export and growth performance of Asiansan (China, Japan and South Korea).

The "AMRO) Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) issued the latest report on Tuesday (July 5) to reduce the economic growth of Asa Aga San this year, from 4.7 % of the earlier predictions to 4.3 %.

In addition, it raised the inflation forecast of the region to 5.2 %, 1.7 percentage points higher than the 3.5 % predicted in April.

However, it is expected that the inflation rate will slow next year to 2.8 %, and the regional economic growth will accelerate to 4.9 %, which is higher than the previous forecast.

As far as the Asian market is concerned, the previous predictions have been maintained. It is expected that the economic growth of Asian will be 5.1 % this year, and it will accelerate to 5.2 % next year, which is more powerful than the 3.1 % growth last year.

As for Singapore, the report is estimated that Singapore has increased by 3.9 % this year, slightly lower than the previous forecast 4 %. As for next year, it may slow to 2.4 %, which is also lower than the previous forecast.

AMRO chief economist Xu Heyi said: "Just as the entire area of Asiansan began to get rid of the crisis of the epidemic, Ukraine's continuous war and American inflation have continued to rise, bringing a series of new challenges to policy makers."

According to the report, it has been five months since the report of Russia. In addition to exacerbating the global supply chain, the war and sanctions against Russia have also caused global fuel and food prices to continue to rise, resulting in acceleration of inflation in Ayana.

In the United States, the surge in prices forced the Federal Reserve to tighten the monetary policy at faster than expected.This has caused the market to worry about economic recession, a large amount of selling in the financial markets, and the surge in risk aversion, and more capital flows out of the emerging market.


Report also said that the recent outbreak of Shanghai's outbreak has caused the local government to implement a series of control measures, disturbing the production and supply of the region, and virtually affecting the economic growth prospects of China and the region.

Xu Heyi said: "In this difficult environment, the policy maker of Ayana San is now facing difficult policy weighing decisions, because they need to control the growth of inflation while maintaining the growth momentum." Overall, the report is still optimistic about the regional economic prospects, because more Ayana Economy is gradually treating crown disease as local epidemic diseases.Restore more comprehensively, thereby promoting domestic demand.

The report said: "It is expected that this year and next year will grow in three growth, especially the growth of Asianan, will remain strong."