(Washington Composite) After the US Supreme Court voted for the decision to overthrow the "Luo Verde Case", the states in the United States began to formulate or implement relevant state internal policies based on this ruling.

It is estimated that a total of 26 states across the United States will prohibit or restrict abortion, and 16 states and Washington Special Administrative Regions have formulated laws to protect abortion rights.

Nam's Republican governor of South Dakota said that the state of South Dakota will prosecute a doctor who illegally abortion and brew a bill to prohibit remote appointments with hospitals and hospitals to prevent them from receiving prescription abortion drugs by express delivery.

State controlled by conservatives such as Georgia and Arkansas also formulate stricter policies and regulations to restrict abortion.

According to a study released by the University of California this month, it is estimated that the current 790 abortion clinics in the United States may be closed by more than a quarter.Some abortion clinics forbidden abortion states have been suspended one after another.

But the ruling does not mean that abortion is completely illegal in the United States, but the issue of the legitimacy of abortion is no longer the federal level, and it is determined by the states.

The Washington Special Economic Zone is still legal to maintain abortion with at least 16 states.Many women are expected to have an abortion surgery from the state where the abortion is prohibited from abortion.

Two Democratic Party, two progressive female members, senators Voron and Representative Corters urged President Biden and Congress to take action to protect women's abortion rights, including the use of federal land to prohibit or strictly restrict abortion.Abandoned women provide asylum.

Cordus said in an interview with the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) TV program: "Forcing women to retain their fetus against their wishes, they will force them to the road."