(Morning News) Microsoft IE (Internet Explorer) browser is no longer suitable for or compatible with many modern network tasks because of its slow speed, and is far less secure as modern browsers.Serve.

Microsoft earlier in the "Death Statement" of the IE browser that on June 15 this year, some versions of the company's Windows software will no longer support the current version of the IE 11 desktop application.The statement states that the Edge browser replaced this digital product, Microsoft has high hopes for it.

It has a 27 -year history and once lived in a market monopoly position and occupying 95%of the IE browser. In recent years, most users have been abandoned.And Microsoft has also been unable to return to heaven.

The latest data of network analysis company Statcounter shows that the top three in the global desktop browser market share in May are Google Chrome (66.16%), EDGE (10.12%), and Safari (9.14%), while IE's proportionLess than 2%.

Often slowly batch speed, slow response, poor compatibility

During the use of the IE browser, netizens are often vomited slowly, slow response, single function, poor compatibility, poor compatibilitywait.In addition, the IE browser does not support extensions, cannot be used on non -Windows devices, and cannot be synchronized with other devices by default -and these are functions that Chrome and Firefox browsers are available.

Taking Chrome browser as an example, Google has made 70 updates on Chrome in the ten years of launching this product. Microsoft IE browser only updated four times between IE 8 and IE 11.

In 2015, Microsoft finally confirmed to abandon the IE brand and gradually began to focus on supporting the new browser Microsoft Edge.It is reported that this product is the same as the basic technology of Google Chrome browser.Since then, Microsoft has advertised IE as "compatible solutions" instead of browsers, and encourages enterprises to stop using aging browsers and use EDGE and IE models.