(Kiev Composite Electric) In the battle in Nortston, East, East Ukraine, Ukraine still controls a industrial area and chemical factory in the city, but it is expected that the Russian army will launch in the past two days.Total attack, trying to completely occupy the city.

Governor of Lugusk, Geng Dai Sunday said that the Azot Factory (Azot) in Nortston's Azot (Azot) was not blocked, and Russian soldiers were fighting fiercely in the area around the factory.The Russian shelling caused oil leakage and caused a fire.Ukrainian estimates that about 800 civilians hidden in the underground air defense facilities of the Azet chemical factory.The Russian Ukraine separatists said that there were three or four hundred U -military in the factory, and pointed out that the Ukraine might treat civilians as hostages.

Gai Sunday said that the casualties of Nortston's over the past 24 hours are unknown."People have been hiding in the air defense, but the Russian army uses large -caliber artillery to bombard the residential area for several hours. Now, everyone may want to be evacuated, but so far it is impossible to do so."

The Ukrainian army said that the Russian army fired mortars and artillery for several settlements in the south and southwestern parts of the Nighton. At the same time, Ukraine also prevented the Russian army from advancing towards some communities.

Ternopil Governor Trush Sunday said on Sunday that the Russian army attacked the local city of Chortkiv on Saturday, which destroyed a military facility and multiple civil facilities on Saturday.People were injured and admitted to hospital.This was since April, the Russian army has attacked Klatikov again.

The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that the Russian cruise missiles destroyed a large warehouse in Jelnobol's storage of European and American weapons.The Russian army also shot down three Ukraine-25 attack aircraft near the Untontt and Halkov.

Apply for Ukraine to become a candidate country EU: Evaluate this week's completion

According to Russian media reports, Russia has begun to issue Russian passports in Hermuson and Melitopol, which is occupied to consolidate these regions.

On the other hand, the European Commission Chairman Feng Delin explained at Kiev on Saturday that the European Union will complete the appraisal of Ukraine's application as an EU candidate within this week.This is the first time that the European Union has given a clear schedule on this issue.

It is generally expected that EU leaders will approve Ukraine to become EU candidates at the summit on the 23rd and 24th of this month.Feng Delin pointed out that Ukraine "did a lot" in applying for candidate qualifications, but "there are many jobs to do."

Ukrainian President Zelei said that Ukraine and the European Union are facing a decisive moment."Russia hopes to destroy European unity and split Europe and become fragile. The entire Europe is the goal of Russia, and Ukraine is only the first stage of this aggression."

According to the German Sunday Photo report, the French and Ukrainian government sources reported that the German Prime Minister Tsutz will be in front of the Seven Kingdoms Group (G7) summit at the end of June.Visit Kiev to indicate that European unity supports Ukraine.

G7 Summit will be held in Germany from the 26th to 28th of this month.The report has not been officially confirmed by the Three Kingdoms, but if it is true, this will be the first time that the German and French leaders have visited Kiev since Russia invaded Ukraine in February.