(Washington Composite Electric) The United States and South Korea warned that if North Korea conducts nuclear tests, the United States, South Korea and allies will respond quickly, but the two countries still want to resolve the crisis through dialogue.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills met with Park Zhen, a visit to South Korea.He later stated that the United States is working with Japan and South Korea, "When conducting such tests in North Korea, we can respond quickly ... We have also prepared for adjusting long -term combat reserve status."

Brinken also said that before North Korea changes its position, the United States will continue to put pressure on North Korea.However, he reiterated that the United States was "no hostility" in North Korea, and the United States was ready to negotiate with North Korea without preset conditions.

Park Zhen also shows that the Korean side is willing to talk unconditionally with the DPRK and seek more flexible and open communication methods.

Brintken reiterated that Washington will continue to impose sanctions to individuals and institutions in China and Russia who assist North Korea to develop missiles and nuclear plans.

In recent months, the situation on the Korean Peninsula is tight, and the United States and South Korea believe that North Korea may launch its first nuclear test since 2017.

Park Zhen pointed out that North Korean leader Kim Jong -un is at the "crossroads" to conduct another nuclear test, which triggers further isolation and sanctions internationally, or returns to the road of diplomacy and negotiations to resolve the North Korean crisis."I think North Korea has completed another preparation for nuclear tests, and I think only to make political decisions."

Minister of Foreign Ministry: China should try its best to discourage North Korea for nuclear tests

Before North Korea ignored the United Nations decision to test the intercontinental ballistic missiles, the United States intends to strengthen sanctions against the DPRK, but China and Russia rejected the resolution at the United Nations Security Council.Park Zhen said that the main allies of North Korea should try their best to persuade North Korea and not to conduct nuclear tests.

Park Zhen emphasized that China needs to play an active role in promoting the return of dialogue and diplomatic orbit."I think China should play a very positive role, so that North Korea believes that they need to maintain peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula with new thinking."

Park Zhen revealed that Han and Mei have reached an agreement on restarting the "extended deterrent strategic negotiation mechanism" as soon as possible.If necessary, this mechanism will discuss the disposal of US military strategic weapons in South Korea.Brinken said the mechanism will start within a few weeks.

In addition, Park Zhen promises to improve cooperation with Japan.Japan is an ally in the United States, but the relationship between South Korea and Japan has long been nervous.

Former South Korean President Moon Jae -in government stated in 2019 to terminate an important information interoperability agreement with Japan, that is, the military intelligence protection agreement (GSOMIA). Washington issued a warning at the last moment. South Korea finally agreed to "condition"Extend the agreement.

Park Zhen said: "We hope that this agreement is normalized as soon as possible, and at the same time improve Korean and Japanese relations to deal with the threat from North Korea."