(Seoul Road Power Power) According to the International Anti -Nuclear Organization, North Korea's expenses in the nuclear military plan last year may be as high as US $ 642 million (about 900 million yuan).Although this closed poor country is still fighting with the epidemic of crown disease and is still in the economic crisis, it seems to be preparing to test nuclear weapons again.

North Korea has never disclosed its data on nuclear military expenses or the size of nuclear arsenal, but public information shows that since 2006, North Korea has conducted at least six nuclear trials.The first nuclear test explosion.

The Anti -Nuclear Martial Arts Movement (ICAN), headquartered in Geneva, issued a report on the 14th that the amount of betting in nuclear weapons last year was 82.4 billion US dollars, more than 2020.

ICAN uses about one -third of the total national revenue (GNI) for military agencies as North Korea, as in previous years. It is estimated that 6%of them are used for nuclear plans.As a result, North Korea's nuclear planned expenditure last year was as high as $ 642 million.

This means that North Korea's nuclear plan is the lowest in nine world -cherished nuclear countries. Its nuclear planning expenditure is nearly half less than that of Pakistan before it.

The United States has repeatedly criticized North Korea in the face of food shortage and economic problems, and still bet on huge sums of money to develop military affairs, and urge the international community to sanction on testing of North Korean nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.North Korea insisted that its development of nuclear weapons was the power to exercise for self -defense when facing international threats.

North Korea only recognized the domestic crown disease epidemic in May this year. At present, it has not been able to know whether it has cut nuclear military budget during the epidemic.

However, officials and experts who supervised sanctions said that North Korea seemed to be moving towards the goal of expanding nuclear martial arts inventory.Experts and analysts observe that new activities and construction projects have recently appeared in North Korea's main nuclear reactors, uranium ore and other related locations.

According to the annual report released by the Swedish Think Tank's Stockho Institute (SIPRI) this week, North Korea currently has about 20 nuclear warheads, and there may be enough split substances to manufacture about 45 to 55 nuclear devices.The report said: "North Korea's military nuclear plan is still its core safety strategy core."

The latest defense white paper published this week that North Korea has about 50 kg of 钸 <<<<, and a large number of highly highly concentrated uranium, which is the same as in 2016.