(Morning News) Ukraine Department of Defense said that Ukraine has only received a 10 % weapon provided by Western commitments.

Agence France -Presse reported that Ukraine Deputy Secretary of Defense Mary, Mary, delivered a TV speech on Tuesday (June 14), calling on the West to accelerate the delivery of military reserve operations.She said that the West should formulate a "clear timetable" for delivery of weapons, because each delay not only makes Ukraine pay a heavy price, but also makes more Ukrainian territory facing risks to Russia.

Mariar said: "We received only 10%of what we requested."

She emphasized: "No matter how hard Ukraine, no matter how professional our army, without the help of Western partners, we cannot win this war."

Maryl mentioned that the Russian army continued to be close in the Donbass region, and its goal was to win the entire Lugank state.She said, "We can't wait too long, because the current situation is very complicated."

Ukrainian President Zeleizki once again called on the West to provide heavy weapons. He criticized some European leaders' "restraint", which greatly slowed down the supply of weapons to Ukraine.