McPlaw, head of the Ministry of Public Safety, announced more details of the shooting at the press conference on Friday."Look at it later ... This is a wrong decision. According to what we know, we believe that the police should enter the classroom as soon as possible."
(Uvald Composite Electric) The Ministry of Public Security in Texas, the United States, said that the police received a call from at least in the Uvald campus shooting on campus.Broken the door to stop the gunman's killing.
A 18 -year -old man held a semi -automatic firearm at noon on Tuesday, local time, broke into Rubu Elementary School in Uvald, and killed 19 students and two teachers.
At least two girls made at least eight -pass 911 in 47 minutes
McPlaw, head of the Ministry of Public Safety, announced more details of the shooting at a press conference on Friday.He revealed that from 12:00 on Tuesday, the gunman entered the school building for half an hour, and the police officers rushed between the classroom until 12:50. At least two girls made at least eight -pass 911 emergency call calls.Two classrooms that broke into.
A girl allocated the first phone call at 12:00 3rd to report the class number of the gunner.She also called at 12:43 and 47, and begged "please send the police immediately" to rescue them.
According to McPlaw, during that time, there were 19 police officers and border patrol tactical team members in the school corridor.As for whether they knew that someone called these calls at that time, it was unclear.
Micham said that when another girl called for help at 12:16, she told the police in the classroom that there were still eight or nine students in the classroom.In another call at 12:21, three guns came out.
Law enforcement officers finally opened the door of the school manager at 12:50 at 12:50, and rushed into the classroom to kill him.
Dezhou police took more than an hour before and after taking action against dangerous murderers, which were strongly condemned by public opinion, and the police's ability to protect the public was also questioned.
McPlabbing admits that the delayed operation of the police is a wrong decision."Look at it later ... This is a wrong decision. According to what we know, we believe that the police should enter the classroom as soon as possible."
He said that at the time of the incident, the on -site commander believed that the gunman murdered as soon as he entered the classroom, and no one was living in it.
"I am not justified, but look back, knowing that the gunman fired hundreds of guns in four minutes in two adjacent classrooms. LaterSurvival. "
However, as the above girls call for help, there are still people who live, including them.
11 -year -old survivor Mia Sello accepted an interview with the United States CNN (CNN), describing the horrible escape experience.
She said in an interview with no face that when the gunman broke into the classroom, he stared at the teacher and said "Good night", fired at the teacher's head, then shot other people with a half -automatic gun, followed by the neighborhood.Classroom.
Mia and a classmate used the teacher's mobile phone to call for help.Mia was afraid that the gunman would return, and quickly applied the blood of the dead classmate to himself, and lay down and waited for the rescue.Her head and shoulders were injured. Due to excessive fright, her hair was now falling.