US President Biden and South Korean President Yin Xiyue also reiterated to the North Korean issue to achieve the goal of nuclearization of the peninsula and agree to increase the scale of joint military exercises in the future.Deploy more American weapons in South Korea.They also said that they intend to provide humanitarian assistance to North Korea, including coronary vaccine.

U.S. President Bynden and the new President of South Korea Yin Xiyue reiterated that they will raise the US -Korea alliance relations to the "global comprehensive strategic alliance relations" and strengthen the threat of the North Korean nuclear threat to achieve no nuclearization on the peninsula.

The two sides agreed that the South Korean President's Office and the White House created a "economic security dialogue mechanism" discussed the issue of economic security hotspots, and decided to develop and export new nuclear reactors and small modular reactors.

Yin Xiyue's visiting Biden held a summit at the Presidential Palace of Longshan, Seoul yesterday afternoon.Near two hours after the talks, the two held a press conference and issued a joint statement.

Yin Xiyue said: "We live in the era of 'economy is security, security is the economy', and the changes in international trade order and the disorders of supply chain directly affect people's livelihood. The bilateral relations between South Korea and the United States should also change with the new environment. Therefore,Hanmei decided to strengthen substantial cooperation in new industries such as semiconductor, battery, atomic energy, universe development, and network. "

He announced that South Korea will strive to become a "global hub country" and participate in the Indian Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) led by the United States.

Bynden said that in the past few decades, the United States and South Korea alliances have always been the main axis of regional peace and prosperity. It is also important for the threat to curb North Korea. Today's Korean and American Alliance is a necessary condition for maintaining regional and world security.Essence

He said that the two countries are facing the challenges of this era, including response to the epidemic, ensuring the stability of the supply chain, the climate crisis, consolidation of regional security, and establishing a free and open Indo -Pacific order.

Regarding the North Korean issue, the two leaders reiterated the goal of achieving no denuclearization of the Peninsula and agreed to increase the scale of joint military exercises in the future, and deploy more American weapons in South Korea if necessary.

However, the two also expressed their intention to provide humanitarian assistance to North Korea, including coronary vaccine.

Biden: Whether the leader of the United States and North Korea depends on whether Kim Jong -un is "sincere"

Biden said that the United States is not only willing to provide vaccines to North Korea, but also to provide it to China, but it has not been responded.As for whether he met with North Korean leaders, Biden said that it depends on whether Kim Jong -un was "sincere."

It is worth noting that the wording in this aspect of the US -South Korea statement is to promote the peninsula to "achieve completely no denuclearization", rather than the "complete, verified, irreversible nuclearization" that used to be used to.The analysis pointed out that this is obviously to avoid stimulating North Korea to fight for it to return to the negotiating table.

For the establishment of the "Economic Security Alliance" between the two countries, the analysis pointed out that this means that the Korean economic center is moving to the United States. The technology and production capacity of South Korean semiconductors, secondary batteries, electric vehicles and other companies will integrate the design of the United States.

South Korea's Hyundai Motor announced yesterday that it will spend 6.3 trillion won (S $ 6.8 billion) to build electric vehicle factories and battery manufacturing plants in Georgia, USA.Hanhua Group also announced a new plan to invest 200 billion won (S $ 220 million) to build a solar module factory in the United States.Samsung has announced last year that it spent $ 17 billion (S $ 23.5 billion) to build a chip factory in Texas.

However, South Korean SBS TV news pointed out that the Korean economy closer to the United States will stimulate China and will bring great problems to the economy.

China is South Korea's largest trading partner. Last year, the total export of China reached 162.9 billion US dollars, accounting for 25%of the total exports.In addition, South Korea's raw materials for China are also very high. For example, the core raw materials of electric vehicle batteries are lithium hydroxide. South Korea's demand is as many as 83.5%of China, and cobalt sulfate has reached 81.5%.As long as China stops exporting to South Korea, South Korea's core industries may fall into crisis.

Analysis is therefore believed that while South Korea strengthens the relationship between the United States, it must also be able to appease China.

Bynden will fly from Wushan US military base to Japan after the end of the South Korean trip today.