(Kiev Composite Electric) Ukrainian officials said that the Ukraine drove the enemy out of the city of Halkov after fighting a counterattack against the Russian army in the northeast, and had been close to the border with Russia.If the news is true, this will marked the development of the war situation in the direction of Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense announced through social media on Sunday evening that the 127th brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces in the Halkov region "drove the Russians away and recapture the national border."
Halkov is only about 30 kilometers from the Russian border.The video released with posts shows that a group of Ukrainian soldiers holding weapons announced in front of the border of the yellow and blue (Ukraine flag color) that they had reached the Russian and Ukraine border.
Reuters failed to confirm the statement of Ukraine immediately, and it was unclear to the number of Uhwurners who arrived at the border and their position.
According to the Ukrainian presidential consultant Alestovich, the Russian army evacuated from Halkov is re -deployed to the Untonton Bas.
According to the evaluation of Western military agencies, the offensive of the Russian army in Donbas has fallen into stagnation.NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg said more optimistic on Sunday that Ukraine could win the war.
However, the governor of Donbasulkusk, Gada, said the local situation was "still difficult."He pointed out that the Russian army was trying to seize the city of Sieverodonets, and the "Lugusk People's Republic" controlled by the Russian separatists has also announced its mobilization.
The Ukrainian government said on Monday that the Russian army continued to take Lugusk and Donetsk's frontline civilian zone as the target.In Nortston, a hospital was hit, causing two people to die and nine injuries.
The Russian army also continued to bombard the Aceka Iron and Steel Factory of Mali Ubol, Wutan.The Russian army has controlled Mali Ubol, but hundreds of defenders are still hidden in the factory.
Donedsk separatists said that 10 Ukraine soldiers left the steel factory on Monday, but the news was not confirmed.
The Russian Ministry of National Defense said on Monday that the Russian army shot down a Ukraine Su -24 combat bombers near the Black Sea Snake Island and shot down a Soviet -25 attack aircraft in Nicholaev and Halkov.
High -precision missiles in the Russian army also hit the two command posts of Halkov, as well as other targets such as weapon libraries.
Russia said that the Russian army has destroyed 168 Ukraine fighters, 125 helicopters, 889 unmanned aircraft, 307 air defense missile systems, and 3108 tanks and other armored vehicles.