(Berlin Composite Electric) Russia launched a war against Ukraine, prompting European countries to re -examine relations with China, and even questioned whether there was a problem with China.

Central and Eastern European countries have begun to question whether they are wise with China's "16+1" cooperation, and Italy has also strengthened its veto on foreign acquisitions, and this measure is mainly for China.

A diplomat in Beijing believes that the Russian and Ukraine War is pushing China and Europe to disagree, exacerbating the systemic opposition between the two sides.The diplomat said that the crown disease epidemic sounded the alarm, allowing Europe to realize that it rely on China in basic medical supplies, and the Russian and Ukraine War further supported the reduction of the view of Beijing's dependence.

Lithuania Foreign Minister Ran Russia and Ukraine Conflict: Trade difficult to change autocratic national behavior

Lithuania Foreign Minister Langzbelgis pointed out: "The main lesson we should learn from the Russian and Ukraine War is that trade itself will not change the behavior of autocratic countries. When it comes to China, everyone clearly sees new dependencies.Relationship. "

China surpassed the United States in 2020 to become the European Union's largest trading partner. Last year, the total trade between the two sides was about $ 868 billion (about 1.19 trillion yuan).

However, a survey launched by 391 members of the German Trade Chamber of Commerce at the end of March showed that 46%of respondents now believe that the attractiveness of the Chinese market is declining.About 10%of the respondents showed that they might move their existing business out of China.Jens Hildebrandt, chief representative of the Beijing Representative Office of the German Industry and Commerce Conference, said that the current trend is far from globalization, and more to his so -called "localization", that is, the establishment of a localized supply chain to serve a specific market.

He said that the Sino -US trade dispute has promoted this development, and "the Russian and Ukraine War pushed another one."

As the largest European trading partner in Beijing, voices in Germany have reducing dependence on China.German Finance Minister Lindner stated last week that Berlin needs a new business model to reduce its economic dependence on China.

Klins Bayer, a co -leader of the Political and Democratic Party, also said that Germany must learn from its Russian policy and "end its dependence on China."