US President Biden said that Russia will not allow Russia to avoid sanctions by scaring or extorting, nor is it allowed to use oil and natural gas to avoid the consequences required for mobilizing aggression.Secretary of State Brillings pointed out that the United States has accelerated the transportation of liquefied natural gas to Europe.

(Washington Composite) U.S. President Biden emphasized that the United States will not allow Russia to use "natural gas ransom" to put pressure on European allies to avoid sanctions caused by the motion of aggression.The United States has accelerated to assist Europe to fill the gap in natural gas supply.

Bayeng said the day before yesterday: "We will not let Russia avoid sanctions by scaring or extorting. We will never allow them to use oil and natural gas to avoid the consequences of being assumed to mobilize aggression."

Russia cuts off the natural gas supply to Bulgaria and Poland, the two NATO member states on Wednesday, and fulfills the threat of "no ruble pays".

U.S. Secretary of State Brills said at the hearing of the House of Representatives the day before yesterday: "I think this is Russia's moving stones to smash its feet ..."

Brinken pointed out that the United States has accelerated the transportation of liquefied natural gas to Europe, "to help make up for any gaps," including Russia attempting to use natural gas as a ransom tool.

Bulgaria takes a liquefied natural gas from the southern gas network and the Turkish Greece

But Reuters analyzed that in the case of tight natural gas supply, Europe is unlikely to get rid of dependence on Russia's natural gas in the short term; although the United States expressed its willingness to provide liquefied natural gas to Europe, it cannot fill scarce and Europe does not have no European Europe.Enough industrial facilities will turn natural gas from liquid to gesture.

Bulgaria, which was cut off by Russia on Wednesday, stated that confidence can be replaced by all sources to replace all Russian natural gas supply, and it will not face natural gas shortages in the upcoming winter.

Bulgaria's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the EU Fund Affairs, told reporters with senior EU officials the day before yesterday after meeting with senior EU officials: "We can pass through the southern corridor gas network, and the natural gas from Turkey and Greece.It is now executed, which is enough to replace all Russian natural gas supply. "

Although Germany will be hit, it will not oppose the EU's implementation of petroleum ban on Russia

On the other hand, the German Economic Minister Habeck stated that it would not oppose the EU's implementation of oil embargo on Russia, but he questioned that this was the most effective way to harm Russian President Putin.

The EU will hold the Energy Minister's meeting the day after tomorrow.Polish Prime Minister Moravitzki said on Wednesday that the Polish would require the European Commission to levy 25%to 35%of Russian crude oil, natural gas and coal.

Habeck said in an interview with the German public television station the day before yesterday that the German economy would be hit by the shortage of supply and prices, but the country would not experience disaster because of this, so Germany would not obstruct the European Union's decision.

However, there seems to be differences within the European Union. Bloomberg reports that companies in Italy and Hungary are quietly taking action to prepare to comply with Putin's decree on Rabbles on natural gas transactions.

The Hungarian government confirmed the day before yesterday that it will pay the euro to the Russian Natural Gas Industry Bank (Gazprombank), and the bank will be exchanged for rubles.It is unclear whether they have established the ruble account.